
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/08 14:04:57
怎么写这俩题 ,求, 求一数学题急望有解析一项工程,甲队单独做a天完成,甲队一天完成全部工程的_____,乙队单独做b天完成,乙队一天完成全部工程的_____,若乙队工作y天,完成全部工程的_____,若甲,乙两队合作了x天, He took off his clothes and _(lie) down to sleepA serious accident h_ yesterdayHe often c_ the 6:30 bus in the morningTom is the head of my class.So he often to schoolI can't b_(think sth is true) what you said.Don't p_ the soup over your clothesIf _ 一数学题,解决下》某企业接到一批生产甲种钢材2100千克和乙种钢材2500千克的任务,已知该企业安排24人生产这两种钢材,每人每天能生产甲种钢材30千克或乙种钢材50 千克,问:应安排多少人生 哥哥和妹妹共有连环画54本,若哥哥给妹妹3本,则两人拥有得数量相等,他们原来各有多少本? 有若干个苹果,若干个梨.如果每1个苹果2个梨分堆,梨分完时还剩2个苹果;如果按每3个苹果5个梨分堆,苹果分完了还剩1个梨.问:苹果和梨各有多少个? 英语:用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空.P.E.lesson is ___(real)relaxing I couldn't s-------what he told me What an interesting story he told me.中的he told me做什么成分 翻译When Mr.Green retired his son took over the business谢谢 一道英语定语从句题 When i arrived ,he took me to se一道英语定语从句题 When i arrived ,he took me to see the house 空 I would be staying.A.where B.which mr.brown took his new car out of the garage and was washing it when a neighbour came 翻译 只因生命有限 英语翻译好吧,我还是不太懂,我把原文打出来吧.A bit embarrassed,the woman grinned and thanked the officer for pointing out her error."But before I let you go,Ma'am,I have to ask...Is everyone in this car OK?These women seem awfully s we just talk way off the mark翻译下这句话 送灵澈上人 这首诗运用了什么表现手法? 送灵澈上人赏析,用了什么表达手法 梅西英文名怎么写? 英语保持原意题People can't kill animals any more.(保持原意)People_____ _____killing animals. English之保持原意1.Shall I have a word with Bob?(保持原意)Shall I _____ ______Bob?2.Your froengs will be surprised to see you at the party.(保持原意)Your friends will_____you at the party____ ____3.The little boy can`t read.The little 有一个凸十一边形,它有若干个边长为1的正三角形和边长为1的正方形无重叠、无间隙地拼成. 初中英语练习题 I like prawn best.(保持原意不变)I like prawn best.(保持原意不变) 有一个凸十一变形,它由若干个边长为一的正三角形和边长为一的正方形无重叠,无间隙地拼成,求此凸十一边 一个凸十一边形由若干个边长为1的正方形或正三角形无重叠、无间隙地拼成,请画出草图.用文字描述也行. 一个凸11边形由若干个边长相等的小正三角形和小正方形无重叠、无间隙地拼成,求此11边形各个内角的度数 写一篇有关于最美司机——吴斌的作文.例如 他的优良品质,崇高精神,以及我们中学生应该学习的精神大概四五百字,写的很好的在加10分财富 请问英语高手,关于dare的问题No dare say that to his face.为什么不是no dare to 英语4选1(dare he& Will he dare)__________ swim to that rock and back again?A.Dare he B.Dares he C.Will dare he D.Wil he dare我选了D 英语 dare do 还是dare to do 替罪羊表示什么人 一项工程原计划5个月完成,实际4个月完成,工作效率提高了( )%. 我叫潘佳莹取什么英文名好?英文名的含义要写出.