
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/15 00:25:26
bo you know what an lndian mum would like to teah her grown—up daughat短文 做早操怎么翻译? shift.plan请问翻译中文什么意思 ctrl\shift\tab翻译成中文是啥意思 让我们讨论一下“plan”的意思吧.翻译 客厅大弄个屏风隔断好吗 what kind of man cannot live inside the house What kind of man cannot live inside house? 请问what to expect from college life 这里的动词不定式做什么成分内容如题 to manage time at school 这里的动词不定式做什么成分 办公室隔断墙一般做多高? 隔断玻璃墙一般要用多厚的玻璃?我想在做一个长4.2米,1米的隔断玻璃墙,(不用整个,太大了,万一坏了换起来价格太高了,想用4块或5块拼在一起.)想请教下要用什么样的玻璃好些,厚度要多少, 写弟弟的作文,600字以上,要精灵古怪的人物形象,内容充实,干净整洁 在办公室里用隔断,是成品隔断好还是玻璃隔断好?我想在办公室里做隔断,但是就是不知道什么样的比较好,是成品隔断还是玻璃隔断好啊? 四篮子鸡蛋的英语叫什么 巴菲特的英文简介 flat与apartment具体有什么区别? what do you want from a friend?该如何回答? 英语作文 What can we learn from others We often can learn something from other people.Now piease think and write somenthing about "what can we learn from others " (Aboout 60 words )要求初二年级的水平,而且要翻译出来 急用 急用 Our friendship _ quickly over the weeks that followed.C.would develop D develop为什么不是C?友谊在接下来的几周发展很快 为什么不是过去将来呢? I went to the park yesterday and my sister went there ()()也 根据意思和句子填写单词 It's relaxing________ out with our friends on weekends.A.to go B.going C.for going D.going to Do you often get online?Yes.I_________ lots of time on it.It's a good way to kill time.A.cost B.spend C.have D.has Tom.Harry up!The bus is coming.Oh,no.We__ 有的作文吗?最好要300字以上. sells,a,Jenny,pen,me,to,blue连词成句 成语故事,老师要求明天讲一个,2分钟时间,不要太多!150字至200字左右! 作文好一个顽皮狗300字 his,is,pen,blue(连词成句) 关于智谋的成语典故 要大意、解释,不要太多40字左右 What do you expect to learn at college?用英语回答. I went to Hefei yesterday.(改为一般疑问句)、 ________ you ______to Hefei yesterday? What do you live for what the mean of your life for your believe or for your believe in sweet dream. What Are You Doing The Rest Of Your Life (Live Album Version) 歌词 years ago,i lived in a house in a large city.全文