
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/08 15:53:59
为什么滞期费和速遣费只针对程租船 1.My English is better and better.2.We must do something to stop it.3.Tree can help hold soil together.4.This makes our environment worse.5.The bottle is filled with milk.6.What’s your preference?7.I like English better history.8.We arrived in Beij 滞期费发生在( )合同中?A.班轮运输 B.定期租船 C.定程租船 D.租船运输 租船实务与法律题求解答 滞期费/速遣费计算某轮承运一批小麦从澳大利亚运到伊拉克,运量41800t.装港为ADELAIDDE和LINCOIN,允许装货时间为6WWD卸港为UMM QASR,卸货率为3000t/WWD of consecutive 24H, Friday an 滞期费只能在租船合同中出现,这句话对吗 英语句型转换 改为同义句1、I will go to bed when I finish my homework.I_____ go to bed _____I finish my homework.2、They enjoyed themselves in the country.They _____ _____ _____ _____in the country.3、I hope I can come tomorrow.I hope __ 求过程和答案,快!必好评! 谁要是回答我会给她好评的,快哟 有没有好听的 英文歌哦大神们帮帮忙 有那些好听的英文歌?谢谢哦~大神们帮帮忙 有什么好听的英文歌哦?谢谢了,大神帮忙啊 一道英语句形转换,同义句.After I leave school I will become an English teacher.(改为同义句)After ____ ____ I will become an English teacher.每空一词.要填2个单词 句型转换.改为同义句.(全部)1.Can you help me Can you _____ _____ _____?2.I'll go to the theater tomorrow.I ____ ____ ____ the theater tomorrow.3.Could i have some drinks now _____ _____ _____ my drinking now?4.We have to go to school by 句型转换(改为同义句)1.why don't you come a little earlier?why ____ ____ a little earlier?2.i want to go and do some shopping after schooli want to ____ ____ after school3.i hope i can come here tomorrori hope ___ ____here tomorror4.there 快,最快的我给好评!分析,我都要! ( )( )人口 补充成语. ( )人口 成语 英语翻译 英语翻译Drink to forget what you have learntOpen a portal connected to caveLittle Red Rose 's matchboxCures Posion Effect 英语翻译 形容山区孩子的句子要眼神的 有什么好句子可以形容性格调皮、天真? 关于什么什么细雨的成语 书写与积累 (写雨的词语) 如:细雨如丝 牛毛细雨 斜风细雨······ 还有哪些写雨的成语 形容雨水打在地上的词语或者成语-提示需要.春雨,细雨,夜雨 我要去健身 用英语怎么说? 健身 用英语怎么说 李白的《茅屋为秋风所破歌》中的群童抱茅是因为顽皮还是因为家里穷 同义句转换 急1,I wonder what life here in the past.2,what do you think of the TV play 3,Why don't you walk around the town? 到底是人以群居 物以类聚 还是人以群分 物以类聚到底哪个是原始的 谚语啊 体操 110米跨栏英语怎么说?Svetlana Khorkina是谁?Stefan Holm是谁? 110米栏英语怎么说?