
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/13 19:15:56
linda bought an english-english dictionary in 2007 【改为同义句】1.linda ___ ___an english-engkish dictionary _____2007 2.____ ____years ____linda _____an english-english dictionary This old dish is in a very fragile condition.mean? 选词并用适当形式填空look watch see read lookfor with after a bout at on she in find play1 It's seven o'clock ______the morning now.I'm ______ a newspaper.How ______ Gao Shan?He ______ TV.2 I like ______ chess ______ my father ______ Saturde 赞扬了公孙仪什么品德?最好能有人把全文翻译...主要是"此明夫恃人不如自恃也;明于人之为己者不如己之自为也." 嗜鱼拒馈赞扬公孙仪什么精神! 1、Please let me look at your new books.(保持原句意思)Please _____ ________ your new books .2.My watch doesn't work now .Something is _____ _______ my watch. 三、老山界 朗读“之”字奇观描写语段.(1)作者是怎样描写这一奇观的?() (回答后我满意在家悬赏值)- 一阵春天的风 心啊心悲伤 寻找歌词有一首老歌,女的唱的,大概歌词就是 一阵春天的风.心啊心悲伤.在百度找了好久找不到这首歌,找的我头疼啊. 求类似韩国歌曲《装在风中》好听的韩国悲伤歌曲求类似与韩国歌曲《装在风中》带着悲伤调好听的韩国歌曲,知道这类歌曲的来吐个口水, 齐文化的内容要想学习齐文化,应从哪些方面入手?人物?时期?定义? 题临安邸 林升 山外青山楼外楼,西湖歌舞几时休.暖风熏得游人醉,直把杭州当汴古诗 山外青山楼外楼.西湖歌舞几时休.暖风熏得游人醉.直把杭州作汴洲谁知道答按 —How could you spend one night here in such cold weather?—To tell the truth,...—How could you spend one night here in such cold weather?—To tell the truth,we made a fire and kept it .all night.A.burning B.burnedC.to burn D.burn Cold weather and poor soil could not support such a farm economy as was found in the South.as was found in the South在句中做什么成分? It was very diffcult (finish)用正确形式填空it in such cold weather 在《草》这篇课文中,从结尾对周副主席的外貌描写,表现了红军战士什么的心愿 老妇人十分庄严的对脱了帽的肃立这的红军战士深深一鞠躬表明了什么 描写解放军战士的文章我要做摘抄,一定要好词、好句、好段特别多的.急用今晚6:30给我! 是英语的谢谢看看.我基础差____in the mountain village ____me happy.A.Be a volunteer,makeB.To be a volunteer,makesC.Be a volunteer,makesD.Being a volunteer,makes 观影片《恐龙》有感关于CGI 技术、、、议论文.三千字以上.中文...急用, TOUS 是什么香水的牌子? What are you doing?-Playing computer game Lisa is playing computer game in the living room 改 What 提问的问句怎么改啊 教下 天外德语复试的事.德语听力时事新闻是不是DEUTSCH WELLE的,像专八那样的?德语听力是自己写答案,还是做选择,还是判断对错呢?题量多少?英语听力是不是只有那种完型填词的?两个听力都是录音 怎么写关于culture is communication and communkication is culture的论文 why communication is culture and culture is communication?这个问题怎么回答, what is the relationship betweeb culture and communication V-ed和having been v-ed的区别when completed ,the museum will be open to the public next year.中的completed能用having been compled 互换吗?它们都是表示过去被动吧. what is important when working in a different culture?housing?communication?food?三个选一个方面讲要一篇小短文,讲一分钟左右, "山外青山楼外楼,西湖歌舞几时休!暖风熏得游人醉,直把杭州作汴州."诗中的杭州指什么地方?汴州指什么地方?游人指的是谁? leaving for 和 leave for 的区别和用法 that looks nice的疑问句是什么that looks nice的疑问句、否定句,we show you our new books的疑问句、否定句