
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 15:19:35
He did that _____ my wishesa.of b.for c.to d.against “中国再也不是以前的那个贫穷落后的国家了”用英语怎么翻译.要标准的 your shoes are _______A.where they were          B.the place you put  C.in the corner that you put D.there where they are 是A,其他几个错在哪里 Your shoes are small,a( ) m( ) are small. Are those your shoes?怎么变成肯定回答 shoes are your shose怎么排 Finally Mary was admitted by Beijing University, for which she ___ five times.选择题?Finally Mary was admitted by Beijing University, for which she ___ five times.A:had tried B:was trying C:has tried D:tried答案是A , D 为什么是错 She was admitted to the university,____she had always dreamed of.答案是one.为什么不是the one这里不是特指吗?这是个什么从句,如果是定语从句的话怎么会用ONE做关联词?那同位语都有哪些关联词,the one不可 She ______ her mother’s work since she was admitted into hospital.A.hasbeendoingB.isdoingC.hasdoneD.did 中国的南海问题什么时候能解决啊?什么时候解放南海岛屿?外交上?军事上?人民欲望上? 英语翻译 我的家乡发生了翻天覆地的变化:(以家乡为题采写一组排比句) “我家乡的变化”用英语怎么说 _______is he going there?选项为:A what B where C how D who He is there.把他改为同义句Li Lei is writing a letter.【改为一般现在时】第二个也要回答回答号加分 元音音标有哪几个?音标哦,希望能够详细些. 元音音标都有哪几个? “难道你不是来自中国吗?”用英语怎么说 仓库保管员年终总结 仓管员个人年终总结公司要求每个管理人员都要交一份年终总结.公司最主要的就是看重数据方面的、而我就是管数据的.求一份数据和各方面的工作细节和仓库存在的问题.本公司是经营化妆 仓库保管员的述职报告怎么写呀?急!可我在网上找的都是那几个,没新意呀,明天就要述职了,呜呜! 原料仓管员年终总结 such as的同义词有什么?老师说有两个,但皒卟知道是什么? as ...as同义词是什么 as if的同义词组 Can I speak to Mr.Wang?No,you can't Sorry,you can't He is busy Sorry,he is not in. –Could I speak to Mr. Wang, please?--Sorry, you have dialed the wrong number. There isn’t ______ Mr. Wang here.A. a B. an C. the D./这里用什么?为什么 元音音标有哪些 he put his head on the desk and said"what a bad day it has ___for me!"为什么填been而不是been ready?这里不是“为我准备的吗?” 2.He ( ) the clock together and put it on his desk.A:pieced B:fixed C:gather D:put as soon as you I came as soon as I could