
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 22:10:08
初一上册英语单词 不重要了英语怎么说 彼岸花的悲伤 英语翻译..最好带点唯美悲伤得感觉、 唯美伤感的句子,中文英文都要中文英文都要的哦,如果是给英文的话记得带中文翻译 如下.问题补充中.应该选什么?为什么?It —— that China has achieved her dream of flying to space.A.said B.proved C.has proved choose the best words for the blanks.A B1,was falling fell 2,went was going3,want wanted4,came was coming5,was travelling travelled6,hit was hitting7,was falling fell8,were stopping stopped9,were carrying carried10,were moving moved11,ran was running 初中英语选择Mother asked me if I________ to the park .A.will go B.went C.was going D.will going答案是C为什么不是B我懂了是过去将来时 这道题为什么选a? 英语单词的过去式和过去分词,原形也要,有多少给多少,好的另外再加分 英语在几月几日用什么介词 例如在6月1日 怎么说 月在前还是后 牛津英语 一道初中英语补全对话题:A:Hi,Lisa.___________.B:I'll stay at home and watch TV.A:_____________.B:Great.Here is the newspaper._____________.A:OK.Look,there is a talk on science at 8:00 on CCTV 10.B:Wonderful!I like science program.A:______ A:excuse,me are you waiting in the queue?B:_____,______A:may I stand_______to you?B:sureA:I ______to the station to meet my son.is this the right bus?B:no,______not.you_____wait at the no.3 bus stopA:___________________?B:look,over there.A:thank youB 补全对话... 初中英语补全对话A:Here is a soccer ball.Who does_________________________?B:It ____________ a girl's.Boys love to play soccer in our class.A:Yes,you're right. It mighr be John's.I remenber that he is very interested __________________.B:I do 补全对话题,补全对话.补全下面对话,每空一词(10分).A:What 1 I do for you?B:I’d like a skirt 2 my daughter.A:This way,please.Do you 3 this one?B:Yes,it’s very nice.How 4 is it?A:Ninety yuan.B:Oh,it’s too 5; .A: 我们都有用英语怎么说我们都有 ENGLISH?I like the fifth shirts over there.I don't like the first one.这句话有什么错。 “忘记”的英语单词是什么?我的英语不好,呵呵!好象是F开头的吧? the noise of dog makes me ____ A.annoy B,annoyed 一个答案上说B可我怎么看都觉得都行.还有一道类似的提 The joke makes us _____A.laugh B.laughed 1.This is a wide variety of wild animals in the nature.(同义句)There are _ _ _ wild animals in the nature.2.动词填空:The first step towards _ (protect)the environment is to try to throw away less rubbish.3.词组翻译:把它拖干净( 补全单词1 It will help you c---- on the most important parts2 My sister used to be a----- of dogs3The room is so d----- that I can not see anything 4teenagers should not be allowed to t--- alone5you look worried .what is your t------?完成句子 求求了 根据汉语完成句子.我想要一个苹果. I____an apple.Tina想要睡觉. Tian_____ ____sleep.Bill 想要我和他跳摇摆舞. Bill____ me ____have swing dance.You should ______(锻炼)every day.Doing morning _____(体操)is go 英语单词转化(副词、形容词、现在分词、过去式)等等所有的词类方法 英语中,形容词有没有过去式? 你是我最好的朋友,也是唯一值得我真正信任的朋友.这句话用英语怎么说? (D)I saw one of the teacher's books_in the classroom.A.leave B.leaves C.leaving D.left(C)In the ________several years many new factories have been set up in our hometown.A.recent B.soon C.last D./(B)In the early years,these schools were much______.A. 1 I have more apples than_(you).but _(you)are better than _(he).2 Japan is a _country,while China a _country.(选填developed\developing)3 I _(lose)my watch _ you _(see)it anywhere?4 Sound _(trayel)much more slowly than light.5 I _(wait) until the te I don't want to meet him at this moment (保持句意基本不变)He is ___ ___person to meet for me.the last 怎么理解Hearing his father was seriously ill,____________A.he burst into tears B.his eyes were filled with tears C.his face lost its ( )——Shall I _____ some water for you?——Yes,please.A take B carry C bring D getWould you like to have something to drink?(做肯定回答)_____,_____.I have seen many English films.(改为同义句)I have seen _____ _____ English “最重要的人”用英语怎么说 我要做你的女人 用英语怎么说? 介词可以加序数词吗