
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/07 02:10:42
I'm from Australia ,and() () () in China() tow years 我来自澳大利亚,我在中国教学已经两年了.括号里怎么填 our English teacher often teaches us____English songsA:singB:to singC:singing our english teacher often s( )his lesson with a song 做一些重要的事情 英语翻译成英文 important? Our English teacher often()her classes()an English song 我有很重要的事情要做.用英语表示 求一英文名 我叫李俊 英文名叫什么好最近突然很想取英文名,却不知道取什么好,我叫李俊 英文名叫什么好呢? 李俊这个名字起什么英文名字最好.我姓李,名俊.我想起个英文名字.还请大家帮帮忙,我到现在还没遇到满意的,谢谢大家了. 我叫雷雨博,希望大师给我个英文名 Lihua's brother has__for two years.a.joined the army b.been an army c.become a soldier d.been in the army 急求一句英文.一定要本地英语,外国人一听就懂的因为刚刚配了一副眼镜,想问配镜师 “我的左右眼是多少度” 但是我认为外语跟中文肯定说法不一样吧,度这个单位是用degree吗.中国式英语唉 懂英语的进来,最好是在国外呆过的为什么一个英语单词好多种意思 而且居然还是两种不一样的意思 比如说这个electrical :用电的,与电有关的,电学的;令人激动的,紧张的,惊人的 两种意思了 怎么样才能认识 外国女孩 前提下不懂英语 真正懂英文,去过国外的进来下牛腩粉 确切的怎么说 别开个翻译就来了 单选:I will make a cake for/to you. 填入适当的连词、副词构成名词性从句the reason --- you owe so much money doesn't interest me at all 填入适当的连词、副词构成名词性从句Do you know ---I can have a cup of coffee填入适当的连词、副词构成名词性从句Do you know ---I can have a cup of coffee and some sandwiches 填入适当的连词、副词构成名词性从句Do you know ---I can have a cup of coffee and some sandwiches Two _______(week) time is not long for him. 英语翻译 That 引导的从句This is the book that we are looking for.这个句子有语法错误 从第五单元中我们可以看出鲁迅是个()、()、()的人.写出一句鲁迅的名言:急丫丫丫丫丫丫丫丫丫丫丫! 关于感恩的名言 when I have problems I often ask my teacher __(help)为什么是 for help,for 后面应该加ing啊 大家都在援助灾区人民,我怎么能袖手旁观呢?(改成陈述句) 我们怎能袖手旁观呢?( 改成成陈述句 ) 是他的智力不如那个人吗?改为陈述句 You can see many things in my room.的同义句 Seasons and Weather Week and Month Adj Things in my room Things I can do Jobs都有哪些 I can do my homework quietly in my o______ room when my parents do the housework or other things.横线该填什么? 填介词your teacher will ask you to compare the information__details__her fri填介词your teacher will ask you to compare the information__details__her friend's e-mails 形容两个人打斗,都受了重伤的成语,不是同归于尽,也不要双双受创