
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/21 00:24:02
某车间周一出勤42人,出勤率正好是87.5%.后来又有1人请假,你知道这时的出勤率是多少吗 英语翻译应该是个谚语! 某班一周出勤35人,出勤人数正好是87.5%.后来有1人请假离去,这是出勤率是多少? 莫单位开会时出勤35人,出勤lu正好是87.5%,后来又有一人请假离去,这时出勤率是多少? 某班周一出勤35人,出勤率正好是87.5%,后来又有1人请假出去,你知道这时的出勤率是多少? 小红做一道加法题时把一个加数8.6看成3.6结果得20.3,正确结果是多少? It's terrible cold today ,isn't ? ----Yes , _____ yesterday . A So it was . B So was it . It's so cold today.Yes,it;s colder than it was yesterday.为什么用was?固定搭配吗? It's so cold today.----Yes,it's much colder than it ( )yesterday. 小红在做一道加法题时,把一个加数个位上的3错看成了8,十分位上的9看成了6,结果得到的和是11.5,你能求出正确的结果吗? Yesterday is HISTORY,Tomorrow is a MYSTERY,Only today is a GIFT……-出自哪里?出自哪里呢? Yesterday is history,tomorrow is a mystery,and today is a gift 谁说的Yesterday is history,tomorrow is a mystery,and today is a gift 谁说的? Yesterday is a history,tomorrow is a mystery,today is a gift Yesterday is a history,tomorrow is a mystery,today is a gift 她是我前进的动力,用英文怎么说? 英语翻译yesterday is a history tomorrow is a mistory today is a present please cherish it 杂翻译 谢 (别说没把当人看 因为你本来就不是人) Yesterday is a history,tomorrow is a mystery,today is a gif 什么意思? 6x-3乘4=1.2 一方程6x+1.2x=14.4的解是 一个英语句子的翻译6-2You succeed (let us say) as modern medicine has succeeded, in enormously lowering the infant death rate, not only in Europe and America, but also in Asia and Africa. This has the entirely unintended result of making the 风景 的 太湖 多么 优美 用这些词组成5个句子5句 下面几个词语" 太湖的风景多么优美啊 "能排成哪几句话 分别写下来不能多写也不能少写 【求助高手们】这句英语句子写得对吗?The writer uses a variety of symbols to relate to the theme.或者怎么能把这句句子该得高级点? 英语高手帮我写完成句子,高三的完成句子1:concentrate your energy on your job and successfully complete it.Only with hard work________(你能期待)to get a pay rise.(expect)2:she____(肯定已经寄过)a letter to her mother 写英语句子I think I'm going to go to the movies tonight.If I go to the movies,I won't finish my homework.If I ...要求用If把上面的话补完,不少于3句 求个位数为5的两个数相乘,快速计算出结果的密笈? 三位数与三位数相乘,两位数与两位数相乘有什么简便算法? 如果旅游去河北白洋淀怎么样假期,想自驾带老婆孩子从天津去河北白洋淀,大家给予指导,农家乐怎样,有正规旅游集散中心吗 古莲花池和白洋淀用英语怎么说 白洋淀在河北省哪个方向 保定白洋淀一日游那还有水吗 还多吗 急求 泰坦尼克号经典对白(最好中英都有,至少是英文) 泰坦尼克号全部英文对白