
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 02:03:15
将一张0.1mm厚的白纸对折20次后,列式子表示厚度是_________. 在重庆30层以上电梯楼顶楼好不好,有人知道么?优点和缺点是什么?我是问顶楼哦,既然顶楼房价最贵那肯定有他独特的价值啊 我家在顶楼,电梯楼顶楼的机房对人有害吗?有了解的麻烦介绍一下 我最近买了套房子28层顶楼,楼顶上有个房间,我担心是电梯的机房.请问电梯的机房一般会做在楼房的哪里?是期房,很担心会是电梯机房,有噪音. 给我50句拟人句.要优美的 she says she'll stay st home unless she____(invite) to the party 五层楼房住一楼适合安装太阳能热水器吗 She draws her classmate.对her classmate提问 宿舍建筑一定要设太阳能热水器吗 She asked me _____to bring her handbeg1.Do you like your math teacher?----Yes,she always tries her best to ______new ways to make the students study well.A.think of B.make up C,come out D.work out为什么选A不选D?work out 也有制定出的意思 求三个比喻拟人句!拜托啦!一个句子上,又有比喻又有拟人.三句 求三个拟人句! 三个拟人句≥10句 拟人句3句,只要 she can come to my party this evening 该否定 Betty found that she had( ) to take her wallet with her. Mary forgot to writea letter to her mother ,so she wroteto her just now.He's been taken to hospital.He was over the moon about hie new job. Tom's mother was ill,so he (had to) stay home and look after her为什么不是has to? his when Tom dinner came mother cooking was home连词成句 After my mother came home,I would go to bed.(用Not...until改写句子) dose she like playing______piano at home?A aB anC theD \ my mother likes staying at home and ------- soap operas when she is free A.playing B.actingC.watching D.making 求拟人句 拟人句? 拟人句求 拟人句告诉我 作文:600字我的家乡是福建泉州. After the mother came came back,the little girl went to bed.【用not.until改写句子】 谁不说俺家乡好 作文 不少于600字我的家乡是河北省唐山 这种作文怎么写啊?给个范文 谁不说俺家乡好作文400__500字.我的家乡是桐城,安徽省安庆市桐城市 为什么澄清的石灰水,不能叫清澈的石灰水 一个拟人句要是写树的拟人句