
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/16 23:22:30
the man is standing__his back __ the fire .答案是with 跟 to 想知道为什么 Does Jill get his case back.这里的back是什么意思 朝鲜再度进行核试验,中国如何表明立场? 翘起的翘还发什么音说发什么音就行了比如说法第四个音 舍多音写是什么? 怎样写政府工作报告提纲? 舍音什么意思 平音和片假什么意思 6朝古都用英语怎么说 这两个音标有何区别?哪个翘舍? 舍不得的拼音怎么写 划线提问:we lived in the flat until 1960划线部分是:until 1960请说明原因! They are w_____for me in the shop 辩题 American is the best country in the world 我是正方 英语专四大作文跑题了,还能及格不? 喉咙有异物感 不痛 吃东西喝水都没问题 但是咽口水卡喉咙 感觉舌头不舒服 感觉好像舌头喉咙有点肿 橄榄球是什么样 工程队要铺一批管道,甲乙两队合作需12天完成,现有甲先工作四天,然后甲另有任务离开,由乙队铺设了3天,这批管道还剩十分之7没有完成,已知甲队每天比乙队多铺设5米,这批管道有多少米? 橄榄球有着什么样的意义急 He as well as his friends _ gone to Beijing.A.has B.have such的词组 关于such 词组多给我几个 Tim has parked his car next to a white car before he went to sleep改错Those workers are recycling building material改错 Mr and Mrs White went to Paris by ( A.shinp B.train C.car D.plane 抗日战争胜利以后,中国共产党为争取和平民主,派往重庆同国民党进行和平谈判的是谁 抗日战争胜利后,为争取全国人民渴望的和平民主,中国共产党和国民党举行了( ), He's______work.A.in B.go to C.at he go to work at 8:00改错 such后可以接名词,可以接短语还是名词性短语 Tell him which class you are in 请区分一下该句的成分,谢谢(就是分一下主谓宾) Mr Simth as well as his wife and daughter___ going to Shanghai.A is B are 选哪个?为什么? 需要方程和过程