
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 07:52:20
who did the waiter teach a few words of Italian?这句话怎么翻译? 句子改成被动语态 what do you often eat for breahtast 句子改成被动语态 what do you often eat for breahtost 歌词when trouble is come是哪首歌when trouble is come是哪首歌歌词里面有一句是 when trouble is come 接着后面还有一句好像是 and I hard 什么的听不大清楚了是一首比较缓慢的歌曲是小时光电台 ‘贤内助’是什么意思 Who did teach him a few words of italian?这句话对吗?请说下理由! 《秀才读别字》秀才所说的“李达”,“鱼知沉”,“林仲”其实是? “贤内助”是什么意思啊. who did the water teach a few words of italian.改成陈述句? do you teach a few words of Italian?这句话错了吧 【初中英语】Who/Whom did the waiter teach a few words of Italian?划分句子成分.Who/Whom did the waiter teach a few words of Italian?请问这一句中的主语,宾语,谓语各是什么. 《秀才读别字》中的秀才闹出这么多笑话,给你的启发是什么 愚公移山的原因和目的是什么 贤内助什么意思? 做两道英语题,要百分之百正确哦,在讲一讲原因.I like watching the dolphin —— (play)用所给单词的正确形式.I found a girl (lie) on the ground .同上What he did is (frustrat 愚公移山的目的是什么?复制的不要!愚公移山的目的是什么?复制的不要! 英语翻译我认为这个预测不会实现.未来人类会是什么样子呢?《阿凡达》是去年最好的电影之一. 贤内助是什么意思? 中国在本次冬奥会上取得了5块金牌. 英语翻译.现在急需写篇文章.中间要用几句话,望大家帮忙.1.中国在本次冬奥会上取得了5块金牌.2.他们是中国的骄傲.3.中国的GDP排名世界第三.4.这就是中 A well-written composition __________ good choice of words and ``````A well-written composition __________ good choice of words and clear organization among other things.A.calls onB.calls forC.calls upD.calls off weigh 词性 2011年江苏高考语文一定是考病句吗?病句和成语都是隔年考的,去年考的成语今年还会考吗?散文和小说也是隔年考,是不是有这样的规律啊 请问How long 后面可以接can、could can 后面跟的词一般是什么形式的啊? some migrate long distances from their wintering ares to their summer nesting areas.3841 can后面的词是什么形 索洛模型中折旧率提高对稳态的劳均资本量和劳均产出有什么影响我不知道要不要考虑折旧率提高对储蓄率的影响 索洛模型题:资本2/3,劳动1/3,若dL/L=5%,求dy/y能不能设为cd函数计算你设cd函数了,题目没有给.有点不完美 固定资产计提折旧是怎么计算的,可以拟一个举例的公式计算告诉我吗 ____ ____ ____ her friends has risen since Lily bacame famous.自从莉莉出名以后她朋友的数量增加了 Mary kept me (wait)for her for two hours.用括号内所给词的正确形式填空 customer reference是什么意思?