
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 20:40:15
Lucy’s brother can play volleyball well.这句话如何翻译? 翻译Since when was this 1,this was a time when being a singal parent was still considered unusual翻译汉语 是it often...还是it's often.如果是it's often.那可不可以we are often...为什么|?那为什么这句话是the weather's often...而不是the weather often..... Now customer are often warned to keep( )thieves when doing shopping.A watching Bwatch against Cwatch on Dwatching against选什么 另外意思也表诉下谢谢 Lily can also play volleyball ____ well.横上线怎样填 united state 与 america的区别是什么? 孟建平六下数学试卷求解答【三道题】急!1.有甲、乙两个粮仓,乙仓存粮比甲仓少5吨,乙仓存粮数是甲仓的 五分之四 还多4吨.甲、乙两个藏个存量多少吨?2.某校初一学生进行春游活动.租用45座 西北农林科技大学怎么样? cina play volleyball well. 会英语的来(帮忙检查一下啦)(第8题帮忙做一下)1.Sam is _smarter__ than Tom.(smart)2.Tina is _more outgoing_ than Tara.(outgoing)3.Tara works as _hardly_ as Tina.(hard)4.We went to the _worst_(bad) restaurant in town last night It writes well还是good? 哪些英语单词后面要跟doing尽量多一点,多一点,更好一点 什么英语单词后面是加doing的?比如说enjoy doing sth 等 英语有哪些词后面是+doing的?为什么只有这些词能加doing 英语的单词哪些+doing英语的哪些单词或词组+doing?例如:mind+diong、aviod+diong、addicted+diong 为什么要用动词的不定式呢?它的作用及用法我都知道,可否用其他替代呢?它的意义是什么,叙述明白清楚,意思明确呀!难道说动词后面的非谓语动词必须用不定式吗?不要再说用在主、宾语这些 看到成功想到的名言、古诗、人、一句话各一个 谁帮我把a pair of red boots的意思写出来? 可以跟双宾语的动词我与要10个, a pair of red boots的意思是什么? a new pair of football boots和a pair of new football boots有什么区别 a pair of sunglasses 的汉语是什么? ___your father and mother___a meeting last week?A.Was;at B.Were;in C.Were;at D.Was;at often do you 和how often are you的区别?什么时候用how often do you 什么时候用how often are you? 问大家几条英文题(急!今晚要用~)1.She is the best in her class(同义句)______________________________2.He is fastter than I.(两句同义句)____________________________________________________________ 用一句话 写出读《成与功》对成功的认识 最早进化出羊膜卵的生物是 (单选 2.0分) A、 两栖类 B、 鱼类 C、 爬行类 D、 鸟类 为什么要用不定式?When you don't know a word,the best way is to look it up in a dictionary.这里the best way is 后面为什么要用to? 1.He was a very good______,he_____very fast those years.And he is still very good at______.(run)2.Bob was a_______ten years ago.He worked happily on that_____(farm).3.Please tell me who was the ______and who was the last to go into the office yesterd 双宾语的动词有那些?貌似很少?为什么只有这些?怎么判断 -----"My father has bought a new car." -----"___?" -----"It's blue and beautiful."A what do you like?B what's it like?C how is it like?D how do you think of it?