
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/20 14:03:17
定义在R上的偶函数满足:对x∈R都有f(x+6)=f(x)+f(3),f(-5)=-1.则f(2009)=?f(-x+6)=f(-x)+f(3)=f(x)+f(3)=f(x+6) 有个公式是求对称轴的:f(a-x)=f(a+x);则x=a对称:∴①f(-x+6)=f(x+6)得:x=6对称;可得:周期是12.老 定义在R上的偶函数f(x)满足f(x-1) 是奇函数,则f(2009)=? (1x2)分之1+(2x3)分之1+……+(2013x2014)分之1=?这要怎样算? The reason why I was late for school is because I missed the bus这个句子中why和because用的对吗 Because he missed the bus,he is late for school.(改同义句) 10mL1mol/L的氢氧化钠溶液,用水稀释到100mL,取稀释后的溶液10mL,它的浓度是__mol/L.一楼的那问下啊~0.01*10=0.1MOL/L,这是哪个公式啊?请把单位也写一下, 已知定义在R上的函数f(x)满足f(x+5)=f(x),且当x∈(0,5)时,f(x)=x,则f=(2009)的值为多少?为什麽要点明定义域,不点明可以吗?定义域在此起什么作用. He was late for school yesterday.(同义句) He _____ _____ _____ school yesterday.以下楼的都不对,came late for 信不信由你! I've never been late for school,but yesterday Icame very close.My alarm clock didin't go off,and by the time I woke up,my father had alreay gone into the bathroom and I had to wait for him to come out.I had to really rush.I took a quick shower,had so ( ) was Betty late for school yesterday?A.Why B.What C.What reason D.What for I've never been late for school,but yesterday Icame very close.的翻译I've never been late for school,but yesterday Icame very closeI've never been late for school,but yesterday Icame very close.My alarm clock didin't go off,and by the time I woke 23146/4564213 1,一个四位数,个位数是6,十位数是3,任意相邻的三个数字的和是14,这个数是多少?2,淘气做一道减法题,因为粗心,把被减数百位上6看成9,把减数十位上0看成8,结果是620. 啄木鸟妈妈和小啄木鸟一共捉了40只害虫,妈妈捉的害虫是小啄木鸟的4倍,问妈妈和小啄木鸟各自捉了多少害虫. 把18块糖平均分给5个小朋友,每个小朋友最多能分到几块?还剩几块?有谁能帮我把道题给二年级的孩子讲明白,越细越好, 万能检讨书800字,明天就交了,不然老师找家长,网友们帮帮忙,我是在写不出来了,我军训时和同学瞎闹被罚的 万能检讨书100字 求1X2分之一十2X3分之一十3X4分之一十-,+2013X2014分之一的值 已知函数f(x)=cos(2x-派/3)-cos2x(1)求函数的最小正周期和图像的对称轴方程(2)求函数f(x)在 计算2012的平方-144 He was late for school yesterday (改为同义句)He —— —— to school yesterday Yesterday I s late,so I was late for school I was late for school的同义句转换I—— ——late for schoolI got late for school行不行 英语翻译alice in chains - your decisiontime to change has come and gonewatched your fears become your godit's your decisionit's your decisionoverwhelmed,you chose to runapathetic to the stuntit's your decisionit's your decisionyou feed the fire t 小明在实践课做了一个长方形的模型,模型一边长为3a+2b,另一边比它小a-b,则长方形周长为多少! cos²(4分之π-a)怎么换算成sin²(4分之π+a)?废话别多说 THE BOX MAN怎么样 the man admitted hiding in the box.这里的admitted是什么用法..........before the plane left London.它和过去分词做定语怎么区别 同义句He was latefor school because it rained heavily. he was late fou school—— —— —— _后面是4个空 一个长方形的周长为2a-4b+6,长比宽多a-3,则这个长方形的宽是() 一个长方形的一边长为3a+4b,另一边长为a+b,那么这个长方形的周长为 我想问一下,7月22号的日全食在山西太原能否看到,是几点