
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 04:50:02
I realized at one that i had done wrong immediately she told me all about this.这句话要怎样分析? 综英5中our lingua franca的课文翻译?不要复制的哦, Sleeping it ____me a day to do this work.A.take B.took C.spend D.spent sleeping的中文意思 sleeping是什么意思? I think it is impossible to finish the work in five days.为什么不能把it换成this或that 翻译what two factors contributed to the discovery of the asteroid Ceres? various Artists翻译成中文是什么歌名? Can you ran fast改正 sleeping是啥意思?哈哈哈 I'm sleeping! sleeping policeman是什么意思?不是睡觉的警察,是个固定搭配 地震剖面的显示方式有哪些 地震剖面 岩性特征请问能不能在地震剖面上,识别砂岩、泥岩等岩性?大致的识别一下就可以,比如说比较稳定的泥岩段…… 我用的office中文不知道怎么变成英文了 我用的office中文不知道怎么变成英文了 如图哈 本来是中文的 变成这个样子了. office 2007英文的"引号"变不回来了就是英文的引号,无论是中文还是英文,始终显示中文引号“”搜狗输入法.即使切换到英文标点都不行. Who runs as fast as Tom ______?A.does B.run C.do D.did Sucks for you man什么意思? i feel you,man是什么意思? 有个朋友的个性签名是这个,可是不知道他想表达些什么. clear the ------- form the dinner tableA.dishes B.books C.vegetables D.food Rabbit scores ten points.怎么读 他们看起来很像,但穿着不同的衣服.they【】【】【】,but they are 【】 【】 【】 scores I negoticated whenever I bought or sold a car or a boat or a house or any one of scores of other things.这句句子中的scores 不知道请不要猜,知道的请回答. u r man mv讲的什么 . My grandma ()for half a yearAhsa been deadBwas deadChas died Ddied May be you can have a try 中文意思 You may be worried if you have a worrying problem.那里的worried和worrying是什么意思? I'd like to look up the new word in the d_____. the horses had three times already come to a stop中是不是用了have sth do这个句式呢?还是对这句话的结构还要其他的理解呢? I look up the word in the_____ ----- nd w __?(2 )the second -hand table was real b __?at only $2 .