
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/18 10:55:35
jpc是什么意思 什么是jpc文件 为什么猪阉割后生长迅速、上膘快 Conference Centre两个开头字母在雅思听力中要不要大写 sports day放在句中还用大写首字母吗We always have a big sports day twice a year.中的sports day 大写首字母吗? 为什么选C The scientist is glad to see the experiment that he was devoted to ___ a major bre看做是see 接宾语补足语选D 不行吗 橗去掉木念什么如题 I'm glad to give you a ring just now. 这句话对吗?意思是:刚才很高兴跟你通电话。 “No wonder!”除了不足为奇还有没有别的意思?独立的一句话:no wonder! if i had a day that i cuold give you i'd give to you a day just like to you…if i had a day that i 是什么意思 Mazda3星骋怎么样?价格?性能? 请问什么是内阁制度?那些国家是采取内阁制的呢? 英语题 The man has a special talent for art and is ____ of a musician.The man has a special talent for art and is ____ of a musician.a.anybody b.anything c.somebody d.something 请问选择,并说明原因~~ 谁有《天路历程》/《The Keys of the Kingdom》的中文简介或者是读后感? be 动词后面有动词原型draw,那draw应该用什么形式?为什么 Mazda3星骋的内饰和安全性如何? Even a fool has one talent翻译 Keys To The Kingdom 歌词 在中国Mazda3星骋碰撞是几星 He has it all:music,baggy pants and basketball talent!怎么翻译 THE KEYS OF MARINUS怎么样 Are the set of the keys ..? 还是Is the set of keys .? i do care you 的汉语意思 Move Over Ms.L 歌词 he used to put me up one day 这句话怎么翻译恰当 Keep It Together-Tyler Ward & The CO谢谢了.. one polar bears swam right up to the window. 翻译成中文 draw第三人称单数 顾去掉右边的“页”念什么啊 第一人称单数形式I( )an apple 中间应该填什么? "顾"怎么读? 下列动词的第三人称单数形式 like dance fiy draw draw sing watch do have study