
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/19 21:19:07
We're looking for something that she can wear to the costume party发音的问题这句里面We're looking for something that she can wear to the costume party 当读到that she can的时候,为什么会发出chicken这个单词的音,这是连读吗 who is the boy ___ a costume?A.wears B.wore wear D.wearing 是D吗 Do not,for one repulse,forgot the purpose that you resolved to effort.求翻译 新东方的中级口译教得怎么样? wired 7t92-oglo手表大约多少钱? 去新东方学中级口译去新东方学英语中级口译,需要一个什么样的英语基础,学完之后,英语可以达到一个什么水平呢,有没有去学过的人, WIRED的手表别人从日本回来,送了我一块手表,牌子是WIRED,我想请问这牌子的中文名是什么?表大概能值多钱?中文叫什么么? 有人上过新东方的中级口译吗?好不好啊?还有,昂立怎么样?听说昂立是小班的,通过率高些,是这样吗? 新东方 中级口译您好 我现在上海 打算暑假过后考中口 但假期在北京过 我想问问中口北京的和上海的哪个师资等各方面更好一些? Ben and his wife Susan were on their way to have dinner with their friends.It was a dark,windy night,and they did not know the way very well.They drove through a town,until they found what they thought was the road to Dorling,where their friends live Henry did not tell us A what to do B how to do C how to do next D what to do the next 选什么,为什请说明理由 请问一下杭州新东方中级口译教师是谁? 精工表7T92-0CC0我有一块精工SND221P1表,背面在"SEIKO"下面的号码是680514,有没有人帮忙看看是真还是假的. 有谁知道杭州新东方中级口译教师是谁? If only I am his wife...I am a terminal-sick-boy sister.My younger brother sufferedfrom cancer and can't survive long.He is only 19 years old.His only regret is that he has never tasted the fruit of love.He doesn't want to pass his life with this reg If only I were an Englishman是什么意思?为什么要用were? 7T92-0DW0的SEIKO手表 (AO)(AP)seiko 7t92 0dw0 型号是多少,价位多少 官网查不到的 为什么查不到, 到哪里查才有.求解 If it were not for his wife's money he'd never be a director这句话中he前面省略了that,为什么省略 His wife and i only love you a lifetime求翻译 his earnings were only half the amount___1 as they used to 2 they used to 3 they used to be 4 they were used to 选择哪一个,及为什么,然后,aount又是什么意思 what,woman,write的音标 BOOK PUT SOON WOMAN 的音标 women的音标怎么写? /j ∧ ŋ/这个音标是什么单词?全句是the woman is _______ 就是看音标写单词,实在拼不出来 英语翻译:她是谷歌的高级副总裁,主管广告和商业业务. 翻译:他的日常英语非常棒. 非常棒的口技 翻译(整体)太逗了!太逗了!谁能帮忙翻译全面一点啊?多谢了! I'd like a flat with a big balcony and three bedroom.对with a big balcony and three bedroom提问同标题 六十天 字谜:日出 求英语翻译1中国戏剧包括什么2你为什么要感谢你的父母 Two years ago,the king killed with his wife这一句是什么意思,有没有哪里错误的吗这一句是我某年某天在一家公司面试时,主考官考我的,当时就有点纳闷,觉得这句应该是哪里有一点错误的当然翻译时 既是非负数又是整数的数叫做什么数