
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 20:22:26
《鹧鸪词》 李涉,和李益的 .鉴赏(1)两诗都用了 “湘江”“斑竹”“鹧鸪”等形象,都表现了 一种愁苦之情.这中“愁苦之情”具体说来有何不同?(2)两诗在表现手法上都继承了我过先秦 The computer didn't work,so my brother asked his friend to fix it.同一句:The computer didn't work,my brother,__,asked his friend to fix it. 改同意句 My watch didn't work._ _ _ _ _ my watch. GMAT改版后的作文题库哪里有?那些好像都是以前的,新版的作文题库哪里能找到呐? 请问gmat作文怎么样复习?请问1周怎么样复习?作文看那些题库最好? 急需高中英语必修三单词表 全部的 初一下政治重点要快~~~~~~~~啊 自在滋润的意思 ,自在暗中,看一切暗. 南岳衡山为什么是五岳之一 为什么五岳都在北方,而南方只有南岳衡山? If you lose?We still enjoy it.You see,all the members are getting alone quite w-----,and we learnhow important t---------is. 报价后客人回复We are still in discussion with end customer on the NRE Cost and FA approval.NRE Cost and FA approval 诺玛教主爆落物品是什么? 请问11:10后的诺玛攻城战里面,从诺玛山谷2怎么进诺玛山谷3啊? 九年级英语题,快!Most of the clubs need students to do volunteer work_____the know the peoblems of kids very well. A. if B.because C.unless D.until 1.Yesterday evening I hward my teacher ____in the next roomA.Sang B.to sing C.singing D.to be singing2.He can't pass the exam _____her kind help A.with without C.because of D.thanks to3.不吃糖I ____ _____ ____ sugar 4.我更愿意少吃太多油 快来答,Without sunlight,there would be no plants or animals.(同义句)._______ _______ _______ ______ sunlight,there would be _____ plants _______ animals. 经典名著,经典文章,经典语句 读后感 600 字 左右 today,one in five American children live in povertyToday,one in five American children live in poverty (贫困),and the number is growing.The recent economic downturn (衰退),along with high oil prices and rising food prices,is crippling many famili 你能想象一下我当时作出了“走大路”的决定后,母亲和儿子各自的心理变化和内心活动吗? 根据汉语提示完成句子1.根据中国古代传说,神农氏发现了茶.________an ancient Chinese legend,the emperor ShenNong discovered tea.2.和你相处我很愉快.It give me much______to be with you.3.世界上最普遍的饮料是在偶 你的脑子里不断重复着校长的话 请揣摩一下当时这位女教师的心理活动 麻烦帮帮忙,急求人教版九年级英语Unit8 3a原文 有没有好办法复习政治? 每天枯燥地背诵吗?还有语 数 英 这些应如何有效复习? 小学语文 小鹰学飞读一读小鹰先后说的三句话,从带括号的词语中你发现了什么?1.我(已经)会飞了!2.我(真的)会飞了!3.现在.我(总算).会飞了吧! 快来答.Look at the r_____ of this room.Do you think it's different from others? 学了 小鹰学飞 我想对小鹰说什么名言,警句 小鹰学飞告诉我们什么道理? 政治怎么复习,我们要出黑板报 200字以上 开卷的,我也不是临时抱佛脚那样的.还有三天期末考,咋复习?