
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/12 19:04:21
不平凡的自己用英语怎么说 我相信我不平凡!用英语怎么说? “不,应该是不平凡的一个月”用英语怎么说? 一支不平凡的圆舞用英语怎么说?求其所写,感激不已!多给几个好听的缩写名,几个诨名啦?都可以最好用 那个不平凡也可以改改,只要好听,就行!那个是缩写,不好意思 打错了。呵呵 英文怎么说 我喜欢你说话的风格. Are there__pictures on the wall?No,there aren't __A.any/any B.some/any C.some/some There aren't any animals in his house.怎么变同义句 there is a woman near the house,变复数 there are some buses near the hill.变单数 is there a baby inthere is a woman near the house,变复数 there are some buses near the hill.变单数is there a baby in the room?变复数 ( ) there( ) books on the bookcase?no,there aren't any.A Is some B Are any C Are some D Is any k()t() fav()()ite cl()()mb l()()ge s()c()nd 括号里填什么? n【】【】【】【】【】【】【】s括号里填什么单词 shuffle!什么意思 shuffle什么意思 There is always only one truth! There is always only one truth (There is always just one truth!)如何读 There is always just ONE TRUTH! There is always just one Truth! r_ _nd _里填什么字母能组成单词? 职业单词v_nd_r 补全单词_nd_r shuffle是什么意思 I like English best.(写出同义句)day 的近义词是什么?short的近义词是什么?smile 的近义词是什么?Mary likes listening to music.请针对 listening to music进行提问. 广州黄色红色黑色气温警报分别是多少度 填单词,在横线上sb.usually reads his/her nuwspaper at n____. 横线上应该填哪个单词? 应在横线上填些什么单词谢谢大家 《名利场》英文论文我想要一份关于名利场的英文论文,最好是以前毕业的学姐学长自己写的.本人愿意付款买.只要没有在网上发表过都行!邮箱t33all@sina.com 《晕——大自然的天气预告图》是从哪几个方面来说明“晕”的吗? 1.It ------------ --------------(rain)----------/-----------(大)at that time.2.He ---------- -----------(留)a message to me.3.A bike ----------- -----------(buy)for me on my birthday.4.It made me---------(feel)-------------( 英语的一些题,1.There is a post office near here.(改为否定句)( )( )a post office near here2.The bank is across form the park.(对画线部分提问)(画线的就是The bank)( )is across form the park?3.The hotel is on Centre Street.(对