
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 08:44:12
Eric plays basketball very good.找错(有一处错,请找出) 什么样的女人爱网聊 我送你一堆话.你会怎么回答我.额呃呃呃呃呃呃额额呃呃呃额额 男主看上去飘逸但是为了某些目的利用女主,后来失去才知道呃呃呃呃呃呃就是女主角一开始喜欢飘逸的男主的但后来得知男主在骗她后伤心地离开了,男主后来再明白呃呃呃哦哦 Young singer c—— to become famous pop stars在横线上填单词 What is time about Halloween是什么意思 Childen alaways have a w___ time on Halloween.. 十万火急!_____ fun it is to dress up ______ Halloween!A.How a,in B.How,at C.What a,in D.What,at选哪个?为什么? they wanted the work to be done with great care翻译 仿写句子:成熟的麦穗低垂着头,那是在教我们谦虚;忙碌的蜜蜂在花丛中穿梭,那是在教我们勤劳.急…正在考试中… 写两个句子使之为排比句 成熟的麦穗低垂着头,那是在教我们谦虚?温柔的水珠能滴穿岩石,那是在教我们坚 He insisted that the idea evolve out of work done by British scientists.怎么翻译.急用.谢谢 He talks as if he had done all the work himself.怎么翻译? “成熟的麦穗低着头,那是在教我们谦虚” 仿写两句 Halley was a 9-year-old girl.She though she was better than any other student because she was older than everyone ____ in the grade.She boasted(自夸) about it every day.Her best friend,Carley,was ____ from her.She was shy and thoughtful. 初二英语首字母填空,He s_____ world hunger by inwenting a machine called food weather machine .It c____water into food .Flint was r________________for shoping it.最后一个是stoping不是shoping 打错了不好意思 It was half past twelve at night.Mr.Black ____ not fall asleep.He was lying in bed and listening to the music ____ he heard the bell.He turned ____ the music and got up."Who can it be at this time of night?" he said to himself.When he ____ the 初二英语综合填空要全篇翻译和答案1.As you k____,on May 12,2008,many schools in Wenchuan ,Sichuan Province have collapsed b______ of the earthquake.Many students there are in danger of l____ scool.In order to h____ them rebuild their sc 综合填空阅读短文,选择适当的词并用其适当形式填空,使短文通顺、意思完整,每次限用一次.help,happy,friend,know,water,leave,when,another,ask,needA little bird lived in a beautiful fruit tree.He lived there for a long t 初二英语综合填空!One morning,a poor churchman's son kept crying.In order to stop his son from crying,the churchman thought for a while and soon he had a goood i______(1).He walked into his room q______(2).After a while he came out of his room 初二英语首字母填空~There are still some fish a_____ in the fish tank.Let's go to feed them. The students haven't finished the report ,there is f___work to be done I am done with my work.翻译 有没有好听的英文歌或者西班牙语的音乐推荐啊 为什么大多英文歌都有西班牙语版 有什么好听的歌曲,不管什么文,哪怕是西班牙语! 需要一个可以自己添加词汇背单词的软件 有没有背单词软件,既可以自己添加生词本,又有循环背诵的?希望添加生词本时,添加的单词和词义显现出来都是自己加入时的原版,而不是像云词那样加入时翻译成了他们自己的版本(老实说 英语翻译认为放假呆在家里…这样省钱方便,但不能增长见识,认为外出游玩,增长见识. look!Tom ___(lie)on the floor 有两堆皮球,甲堆36个,乙堆20个,问从甲堆拿出几个给乙堆,两堆皮球的个数相等?用两个算式解决问题(只能用加减法不能用除法).开始我也这么算,可8是哪里出来的?大人都知道16除2得8,可 i have been to beijing这句话是否完整?完整的句子要有主谓,如果完整,主谓是什么?那I have failed是否完整呢?主谓是什么?