
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/15 07:29:59
like 等于哪个短语 like相关短语有那些 Whose crayons are they 的同义词 含like的短语. 请问各位高手,“办公室文秘“处英文应该怎么翻译阿,急!打错了,是"办公室文秘处"给公司做标牌用的 关于like的短语并把短语翻译出来 英语翻译如题,麻烦在线的话尽快. 求翻译:So how about the account information to transfer the money or have you gotten it 1we look like twins的同义句 What does ...look like 同义句 Why do you want see the pandas first那个单词错了Penguins are cute and interesting 对cute and interesting 画线提问 ( ) ( )penguins? Why do you want to_______ the doiphin first?A look B take a look C looking at D see up in the 这么奇怪的词组你们怎么知道的= = 看过“Up in the air”你有何感想?尤其George Clooney 和Vera Farmiga扮演的角色中,他们对待生活的态度您有什么看法? she must appear in a bright red dress.that's what she has to do后半句什么结构?怎么翻译? up in the air 字幕中英字幕. 英语翻译wicked streakstreak 对话怎么翻译 谢 A:she has a wicked streak in her.B:on what do you base that statement? what did you do last weekend?l played football.how about you?l vi What did you do last weekend I played football .How about you I visited my grandparents.Did you help them clean their room?Yes,I did.中文意思 globle bond mutual funds是啥? 古文 文言文 什么的 那种句子 形容人沉着 内敛 不乱说话 计谋都藏在心里的句子?急用!我想劝劝一个朋友 不想让他把什么心情都表露在表面 形容一个人藏的深的句子 照样子,写句子.春天像个害羞的小姑娘,遮遮掩掩,躲躲藏藏.夏天像个.秋天像个.冬天像个. 英语翻译Por favor...Por favor...El policio...Yo soy Americano.(劳驾...劳驾...你说英语吗...)Sorry,fellow,don't speak Spanish.会不起,伙计,不要说西班牙语.Boy,you're in the wrong neighborhood.小伙子,you're in the wrong neighbo What's in you neighborhood?怎么翻译 Why not go to see the dolphin show with me?NO,let's go home.Because I____it twice.A.will see B.saw c.see.d.have seen Let's go to the dolphin show?A great!When do you want show?B That sounds boring .Let's go.C Good!Where do you want to go let’s go to see the dolphin( )(one)用所给词的适当形式填空 关于形容人沉默、不爱说话的句子 聊天时总爱在句子后加...的人,是啥米样的人? 怎么都爱说这句话