
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 21:12:31
关于辽宁成人英语三级用北京地区的复习词汇的书行不行?我马上要考学位英语了,之前考了两次都没过,最近在复习,可是关于学位英语的练习册很少,而且我的主要问题是词汇量不够,学位英语 绳子的“绳”去掉绞丝旁读什么? 绉去掉绞丝旁念什么啊···· 缘去掉绞丝旁怎么读? 英语词汇问题:found和found out的区别是什么?比如Have you found your lost book?中为什么只能用found? If you don`t find your lost book,you will have to ____.A.pay for B.pay itC.pay for it D.pay it for 只要6-15页的.最好有答案,我的丢了. 英语作文 假如今天是4月2日,星期5,你和Steve一起去游览长城,请写一则日记,描述一下一天的情况.内容包 写一篇日记(用英语写)内容是一天自己去万里长城玩如题 提示:自己去万里长城玩,要有天气,日期,内容,还有自己的感受.急谢谢各位大哥大姐了,要初一用的. When a man is worrying about something,的翻译 Never give up on something that you can't go a day without thinking about 求翻译 谢谢Never give up on something that you can't go a day without thinking about求翻译 谢谢 斯里兰卡 哪几个 港口?英语如何拼写?盖里?科伦坡? Could you tell me something about Valentine's Day?Thanks for your favor!That's because i'll have a oral test about that. i'm lucky enough to find the same knife ____i lost yesterday.A.which B. that C. like D.thatwhich 和that 在这句话中有什么区别!为什么不能用which???? Albert found the key .I lost key yesterday(合并为一句)Albert found the key (that) I lost yesterday.(给一下写它的原因) Who _____(find) the lost key yesterday? Xiao Wang found mo the key ______ I lost yesterday.A.which B.what tell () (i/me) something about your day. Say something about your clothes? 急求5篇初二到初一水平的英语日记或读后感英语日记要有意义一点的,英语读后感要简单一点的,但是两者都不要超过100词哦,100字左右就好, 英语翻译number of QCs cause more OTvessel ETD CSRservice failure sofeness of DGnon-compliancecost Implicationserves as a threshold since the level generally describes the current conditionany identified riskcharges on BOCERM assessment rating tab 英文地址翻译 东莞市虎门新湾港湾工业区 He is of medium height.为什么要加of啊? He is of medium height .=He is medium height .=He has a medium height这是我们老师说的 但是我不懂为什么第二个句子要去掉of 我觉得 .如果去掉他的话,句子就变成了他是中等身材,还有,不要跟我说什么第二 杨利伟进入太空去月球了吗? 杨利伟在宇宙中看见月球了么?他有没有说过一些有关月球的话? The little girl is becoming _____ and _____(tall) The little girl is ( )(able) to reach the apple because she is not tall enough 英语翻译Directions:As a dietary supplement,take one softgel capsule daily with food.麻烦不要用翻译机器,因为这个是买来的吃的保健品上的说明,请会的帮我下, 英语翻译好处:  1、留学可以领略国外的优美风光并开阔眼界,而且在国外生活工作几年后,你可能就有了西方国家那种先进的思想理念,这毫无疑问会对你的生活和工作产生很大的影响 How about to draw a picture for the little girl?.(找出错误)打下门 急求英语翻译~~~~~我会万分感谢按照某个电话给某人打电话(call的短语)变为……改变主意(change的短语)彻底弄干净,洗干净做清洁在清洁日(clean的短语)