
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/08 21:18:57
泰山压鼎是什么意思大家说 有一辆质量为800kg的小汽车驾驶上圆弧半径为50米的拱桥 g=10m/s²1 汽车到达桥顶时对桥的压力为7600N,求此时汽车的速度大小2 对于同样的车速,拱型桥圆弧半径大些比较完全,还是小些比较 一道物理题,拜托高手帮忙,坐等答案,急~~~12、某实验小组在探究“小灯泡发光时的亮度与其电功率的关系”实验中,所用电源的电压时8V,小灯泡的额定电压时5V,小灯泡两端允许加的最大电压为 一道物理题-坐等答案.谢谢大家. 一列车从静止开始做匀加速直线运动,一人站在车厢前观察,第一节车厢经过他身旁时历时2s,全车经过他身旁时历时6s,那么,该列车车厢的节数为 可以是工作吗? the article written by the student 换成所有格或of短语结构the article of the student为什么不用 the article of the student's? we went from house to house 这个是一个句子吗要是的话 怎么没兵语哪 连词成句we,do,evening,housework,monring,need,to,from,to he went from house to house bringing the day‘s papers to the neighbors,这个的bringing要用过去式吗 大神们快来给我这选择题的答案吧 it was a brown coocoon?改一般疑问句 what‘s your favourite fruit?换种表达,但意思不变怎做? it just 好像是苹果广告语,什么含义啊 It works! Why did the person probably write this article?请求翻译?请解释probably在这里的用法? it works forever是什么意思? it seems the contest really works中works 是什么意思?是有效的意思么那是不是一定用复数形式? most people take the limits of thier sight to be the limits of the world.英译汉英译汉, 高一的一道物理题 高手进 坐等 急~~~~1994年7月,苏美克一列维9号彗星和木星发生碰撞,紫金山天文台的工作者对这次奇特的现象进行了观测.木星距地球7×10的8次方km,该彗星的第18号慧核于7月17 新航道有关于SAT方面的课程吗?效果怎么样? 15.The question is worth _______.A.to consider B.being considered C.considered D.considering His suggestion is well worth .A.considering B.being considered 选A还是B?His suggestion is well worth .A.considering B.being considered 选A还是B?为什么? 英语翻译I‘m going to talk about Cheer Chen.She is a popular Chinese singer ,song writer.guitarist and pianist .3 yeas ago ,I first listened to her pure songs .She writes her own music and lyrics .From beginning to sell demo at Kenting,she was n 武汉新航道的美国适应性课程包括哪些内容? I learned a lot by ____(do)things.I can take care of myself now. 英语翻译hello sweetness show tits and 武汉新航道美国名校腾飞计划怎么报名? Orient什么意思 唯一的听众中我看着这个老人安详的靠在木椅上,微笑着,手指悄悄地打着节拍.这句话通过描写老人的-------、-------,反映了-------------------------.从中体会到老人------------------------的情感 orient express 是什么意思 get off的同义词组 set off的同义词组是什么