
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 02:18:56
初二英语补全对话.A:Hi,Dand.What are you going to do in the evening?A:Hi,Dand.What are you going to do in the evening?B:I am going to see a film.A:____there_____ a new film?B:Yes,there _____.______you like to go with me?A:Yes,I would ____ 中国文字 古埃及文字 有关系吗 一条线上可以接多个led灯吗? led灯上有三根线红黑白,接哪两根线灯会亮? 电灯的问题只有那个led灯上面只有俩根线黑色红色,这怎么接啊?按电池开关? Hi,how are you?what are you doing now? Hi,what are you cooking for?有错吗 What are u doing now?Do u anqry if I love Hi where are The hamster is ____ ____ the table.The fish is ____ ____ the fishbowl.怎么回答? what are words what language do they speak in mexico?sayisia What is the language (speak) in Australia? What Are Words 鲸的自述300字 我不懂英语,去马来西亚会丢了自己吗?那里华人多吗? What do they often do when a Chinese meets an America?They often ____ with each other.A.kiss B.shake hands C.hug D.Bow Does your new English teacher well?At first I didn't thiink so,but now I ___ her teaching style.A.used to B.use to C.was used to D. What happens to an unstoppable force when it meets with an immovable object? 根据所给的提示描述他们在公园里活动的场景.提示词:play football listen to music read book根据所给的提示描述他们在公园里活动的场景.提示词:play football listen to music read books fly kites make Do you listen to music while stuying?口语试题 l like to listen to quiet music while___(eat). I prefer to read books rather than listen to music.(同义句转换)I —— —— —— books than ____ to music. 展开想象,写一段被困在笼子里的华南虎内心的自白200字 快华南虎的自白100字 请以“华南虎的自白”为题,根据诗意展开想象,写一段话,150字左右 有一电视塔,在其东南方A处看塔顶时仰角为45度,在其西南方B处看塔顶时仰角为60度,AB=120,求电视塔高度 作文 华南虎的自白1.不准抄袭其他人的2. 华南虎自白 作文诗歌 和作文 要求自己写的 "任用贤能"用英语怎么说? 督查室主任用英语怎么说 do you finisjh___(read) the book? Do you finish ___(read) the book? 英语阅读 did you read the book guinness world