
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 04:49:19
HOW much of his speech did you think your understand?_________.I wish I had studied harder.A.Not a little B.Nearly noting c.Nearly everyting D.Almost noting if i studied harder和 if i had studied harder 语义上有何差别 菁优网训练练习完成后怎么提交啊时间总是重新倒数.都没提交的按钮 菁优网做完练习后,怎样提交 动词不定式的问题Such tools are nowhere now,for machines are being used in place of them.A.to find B.to be find C.for finding D.being founded应该是在A和B中间选,但是不清楚到底是A还是B.tools和find是不是形成了动宾关系 it happen to it never _____ to me that he had passed the exanA occurred B happened C appeared D sounded选哪一个? I have worked 和 I had worked 各自的意思举几个类似的句子 happened to do和‘happen to do ;区别? happen to do or happen doing? 短语Have to和Have got to有什么区别?如题 英语所有的词组可以被间隔开吗? 比如 have been to 到过...你刚才去过电影院吗? have you just been to the cinema 这边就间隔开使用了..我想知道: 是不是所有的词组都可以间隔开使用? :"I wish for you that moment when you look up and find someone watching you as if you were a candle -as if you were the only light in a world of darkness."啥意思啊 When the meteor fell moments you feel that I wish for you promise!使用翻译软件是:当流星下跌的时刻你觉得我为你想的承诺!真正的意思其实是:当流星滑落的瞬间你可曾听到我为你许下的心愿! You can even grind to wish that I look pleasantly, and it's that when.什么意思 i wish that you ____(not somke )any longer.when he failed the exam ,he wished that he _(work)hard. 动词不定式英语题一道The young man is said _____ America three days ago.A.to sent B.to have been sent C.sending D.to have sent希望说明选什么以及选这个不选别的的原因, 朋友们初三数学总复习分哪些专题复习啊? How many clsses do you have every day?I have nine.I am busy,do you think so?Of all the sudjects,I like English and P.E.best .my English teacher always has a good way of teaching.For example,we play games in class.In this way,we have fun and learn Eng 物权法案例分析.马某将收藏的一件明代瓷器出售给了冯某,冯某当场付清价金,约定马某10天后交货.季某听说后,表示愿意双倍的价钱购买.马某当即决定卖给季某,约定5天后交货,并收定金若干. 关于物权法的案例分析 求助甲有一辆汽车价值12万元,2008年6月1日甲与乙签订抵押合同将该汽车抵押,向乙借款5万元,2008年7月5日办理了抵押登记.2008年6月5日,甲又与丙签订抵押合同,以该车作抵 谁有好词好句加读后感? what happened to her mother =--- -----the ------ -----her mother What happened to the last person holding this position? "Could you please sweep the floor?" my mother said to me.;(合并成一句) She looked ______ hearing the bad news.A.sad B.sadiy C.sadness D.saddei help do my sweeping housework can son mother floor his the like 连词成句 I would do that when I was done with mine,这句话I was done 是什么意思,为什么被动? I wish you would forget it.That was a(n) ___ of the pen.A.fault B.error C.slip D.mistake请写出各个词的区别 My father had me ___(clean)my bike,but I had it ___(clean)in the shop.顺便翻译下、 My teacher asked ne___with Mary last nightA what is the matter B what was teh matter Cwhat the matter is C what the matter was帮帮忙讲下原因 What play did the actor p___at the teacher last night. 求 掩耳盗铃 狐假虎威 守株待兔 自相矛盾 的flash动画 只要其中一个就可以了 20s就好了