
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 09:26:21
Tom is the boy .I went to the cinma with him together.把这两句合并为定语从句. 英语文章开头是否需要空格? 正式的英文文章段落之间是否空行? you may stay here,or you may go with us.如题.保持句意不变you may_____stay here____go with us. stay here or i go with 请问如何把Word文档里以某些英文单词开头和结尾的的段落选出来比如:also has been advertising the use of Google Enhanced Coverage LinkingGoogle -Search using:* Company Profile * News,Most Recent 60 Daysmaps on cellphones.我 求一个英语手机软件要可以输入中文翻译成英文的,输入英文就可以翻译成中文的.最好还可以读单词.最重要的是要单机的 form a worthwhile opinion for we need to have factual knowledge ___ our ...This sentence is from an exercise book.The whole sentence is:Without facts,we cannot form a worthwhile opinion for we need to have factual knowledge ___ our thinking.The corre 英语翻译True lovers never take it slowly When they''ve found the one and only Nothing can replace this feeling Knowing someone loves you It''s painted with the pain and glory Taking from a known sad story Laying out my life before me Fearing the 有没有有利于学英语的手机软件 回族什么时候才会有、才能有本民族的语言和文字? 帮忙介绍一下迟子建 求 迟子建《白雪的墓园》读后感一篇 Do you want to go to the Children’s Center?的同义句 什么 you want to 什么to the children's center the professor can hardly find sufficient grounds on which to base his argument in favor of the new theory黑体词组怎么理解,我不明白为什么不是被动呢 on which to base my opinion ,which to base my opinion on 为什么答案是前者 后面的为什么错了Now I’ll present the facts __________.A.on which to be based my opinion B.which to base my opinion on C.upon which to base my opinion D.which I'll stay with If you stay with me ,I`ll be angel,这首歌叫什么大致副歌的歌词应该是这个.不知道是个人还是组合唱的,声音是女的 get to the shopping centre是什么意思 为什么说《中华民国临时约法》确立了责任内阁制而不是总统制? 南京临时政府的政体是责任内阁制还是总统制?或者是责任内阁总统制? 古希腊是一个国家 雅典在希腊里 雅典又是个国家(一些题目又说是城邦) 究竟该怎么区别 正方,说假话就是撒谎,人要讲诚信,不能撒谎反方,生活中需要“善意的谎言”.你支持正方,理由事例400字 辩论发言稿:正方:人们要讲诚信,不能撒谎;反方:生活需要善意的谎言有人说,说假话就是撒谎,人要讲诚信,不能撒谎;有人则认为,生活中有时需要善意的谎言.正方:人们要讲诚信,不能撒 在美国的领土中能够见到极昼极夜现象的是 用真诚倾听千言万语三个词造一个句子,词语都要用 史莱克的英文名字? 史莱克的王国英文名SHREK 的远的要命王国 英文 是什么? 求《怪物史莱克2》中,史莱克进城时放的音乐····· 英语翻译、知我者,谓我心忧,不知我者,谓我何求.(诗经王风黍离)2、人而无仪,不死何为.(诗经风相鼠)3、言者无 罪,闻者足戒.(诗经大序)4、他山之石,可以攻玉.(诗经小雅鹤鸣)5、投 求解86题的极限,急用