
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/19 06:33:06
YOU dou't need to believe in faith,because faith believe in you. I am going to visit the farm.My uncle works there.合并成含有定语从句的复合句am going to visit the farm on which my uncle works请问为什么这样改啊,可以改为I am going to visit the farm which / that my uncle works there My uncle works on a farm, where there is a lake in front of it.这句话对吗?我练习册上有道题:My uncle works on a farm,______ there is a lake in front of it.答案给的是where,从句 那么怎么划分成分呢?where和in front of it 新疆历史上都存在过哪些政权?新疆历史上都存在过哪些国家或政权?都是由哪些民族统治的? 现今国家政权还能存在多少年? Believe it or not meant to be To believe or not to believe , it's a que... 什么意思 Kills me not to believe that is you after I read for two hours ,I felt _______(boring) he felt quiet _ after a long walk.worriedhungrytiredstressed out 别人送我墨宝:李白清平调 云想衣裳花想容,春风拂槛露华浓.若非群玉山头见,会向瑶台月下逢.求寓意 求一首自编的诗和词不要太深奥的 求一首词、自创的以卜算子为词牌名、仿写一首词、表达某种情感、急求 帮我写首词,要自创的要那种感人的,明知道不可能在一起还飞蛾扑火般的 求一首自创的诗或词.写亲情的. you believe in yourself you can do—— you want to achieve.A.whicheverB.howeverC.whateverD.whenever do not believe in love,want to go to a place whre nobody knows can calm a little I waited for her for two hours yesterday.句子中第二个for可以换成别的介词吗?为什么要用for呢?这个句子不加 for 也可以吧,直接写成I waited for her two hours yesterday。这样可以吗? The doctor____a______boy yesterday.A had saved,dying B saved,dead C has saved,dead D saved,dying 写出和文言词意思相同的现代词 其( ) 欲( ) 写出下面带点的字、词在现代汉语中的意思1.却把大虫吓唬我.把:2.何不拜我为王.何:3.再走再看,却似有人家往处一般,真个好所在.所在:4.武松使尽平生气力只顾打.平生:5.还是先下冈去, do paper 请问您说的paper work是指什么? 罄竹难书造句 work on my 如题, 罄竹难书造句用拟人手法 英语翻译There was a problem in processing some of the graduate students’ payroll paper work.‘Cause their computer program crashed after all the information was processed. 用呕心沥血,美轮美奂,墨守成规,罄竹难书造句要连在一起造 用现代汉语写出下面句子的大意1.所向无不披靡 译为( )2.急逐弗失!译为( ) 贾岛初赴举,在京师.一日于驴上得句云:“鸟宿池边树,僧敲月下门.”又欲“推”字,炼之未定,于驴上吟峨、、、、、、(中间太多我不打了)、、、、、共论诗道,留恋累日,因与岛为布衣之交. You have to believe in you rself 什么意思 语境:It has been said that farming in America today is three fourths paper work and one fourth physical labo(u)r.