
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/05 19:51:21
can you tell me how to d this word in Englishcan you tell me how to (d) this word in english a said b say c tell d speak I didn't know when (a) they for Beijing a left b leave c are leaving d were leaving -I wonder if you( b) a picnic tomorro 什么同声传译? read的过去式是什么red can you tell me the _______(mean)of this English word? read的过去式 Could you __ this word in English?A say B speak C talk D tell 选哪个?为什么? 英语 根据首字母完成句子can you tell me the chinese m------of this world Tom ________ his English ecercise book at home agin(forget left) she ______her english book at home yesterday 1.leaves 2.left 3.forgets 4.forgot 如何才能成为同声传译员? 同声传译员是什么样的职业? 如何 成为同声传译员? 昨天下午他没有出席那个会议,却去了一个朋友家 英文He did not _______that meeting yesterday afternoon,He went to a friend'home______. 现在可以实现机器同声传译吗? 英语翻译今天忙了一整天,终于把水龙头修好了. learn的过去式、ing、三单是什么?ゥ 冰灯和雪雕用英语怎么说? 阿凡提的故事里面巴依老爷的老婆叫什么名字?不要写错字哦娜娜巴?不叫树荫那吉? Martin Eden与Sister Carrie的文章比较最好是英文的 the reason of martin eden's death最好用英文回答我的问题了, Muttonheads Feat.Eden Martin — Can You Hear The Night 要完整版617237500 爱一个人为什么心会痛? 为什么爱一个人心会痛,整天想他爱了10年了,我真是放弃所有都可以,只要跟她在一起 if you don't tell me what ____ (worry) you ,i can't help you,jioqiuy we weren't at home yesterday同义句 We got home at midnight yesrterday.(改为同义句) 一年级怎样写日记 寓言意义?给我一些寓言的意义如:怕承担风险的人一定做不成大事越多越好!KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 勿折花木用英语怎么说 勿折花木的英语 《伟大的悲剧》中斯科特上校在最后的一篇日记中把“我的妻子”改名为“我的遗孀”这是为什么? 伟大的悲剧:斯科特为什么在生命的最后一刻还要写日记?