
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 07:50:38
Please pass me the dictionary ----cover is black 这里为什么不可以填whiich IQ的智商是多少?嘻嘻是个比较密码 智商即IQ iq智商是什么 IQ为什么说是智商? 海洋中哪些资源比较丰富 海洋里有哪些资源? 海底有什么宝藏 关于《超越阿凡达,来自未来的CG》英文名:The Third & The Seventh (MUST SEE)这是个什么类型的短片,它想表达什么,它的确切汉语译名是什么制作这部短片的用意是什么,是商业宣传片吗 1、write on the blackboard -------- ---------- on the --------2、have a pie,please-------- --------a pie ,please 3、draw a picture ------- ----------apicture 《三个火枪手》主人公英文名 write it on the blackboard,please的中文. They write the words on the blackboard.(对on the blackboard提问) 以梅花本体写一个比喻句求求各位!跪谢! 求一个形容海洋拥有丰富资源的成语. 以梅花本体写一个比喻句 1.The little girl is too frightened ________ a word.用to say 还是用 to tell -l have bought an english_chinese dictingary -When and where__you__it B:did buy D:have bought允许写的字太少了,就排除了两个,然后不知道哪一个对,A:do buy C:had bought The little girl was too frightened a word A not to tell B not to say C to tell D to say The lawer listened with full attention,()to miss any point.A.not trying B.trying not C.to try notD.not to try要说明原因 用长江为内容,写一个比喻句.到期时间(2010年12月27日—2010年11月28日 That your is English book 这几个单词怎样拼成一句话? way,good,is,that,a(.) out,book,your,take,English(?) big,banana,a,there,a(.) 英语翻译The very low soil moisture content of the trampling routes drives a causal chain of lowherbaceous production,litter production and soil organic carbon content,and greater soil bulk density.The combined effect of these processes is expecte The teacher told the girl not to worry改句 The teacher told the girl not to__ __ __ My parents wasn't very happy with my exam results The teacher told the girl to come in but want toShe didn't ate her breakfast this morning.Where did you bought these jeans?改错My parents wasn't very happy with my exam results The teacher told the do you have the new chinese-english dictionary?-yes,but no more than one copy.would you like to take? the teacher told (to)the children 要加to吗 This is a shirt .改为复数句 This shirt is small for him (改为复数意义的句子) this、shirt的复数是什么 蝴蝶的英文名是什么我想用百度搜索到就是那个A YI YA YI YA 节奏的英文劲歌