
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/19 05:05:49
英语翻译翻译得好可以加分.翻成德语哦! 求高手翻译该段文字,英译中,谢绝翻译器版本 谢谢~The year 2001 was proclaimed as the International Year of Volunteers or ’IYV’ in order to enhance the recognition, facilitation, networking and promotion of volunteer service (Uni 草你木是什么意思 Hawkwood used to hire his soldiers to princes who were willing to pay the high price he demandedwho were willing to pay the high price he demanded 中willing为什么用ing形式呢 in ancient china,they were used to carry soldiers rivers变为主动语态 his job demanded that he go overseas often,so i was used to being alone.中so 引导的是什么句子呢? 为什么会怀疑世界上有外星人人类为什么会突然怀疑世界上有外星人的呢? 我怎么会怀疑女孩是外星人? UFO,真的存在?我有点怀疑.晚上我看到一颗特别亮的星星,舅舅说是UFO,我不信,舅舅把望远镜给我,我一看真的好像飞碟啊,谁知道这是为什么吗,难道不明飞行物真的存在? 怀疑目睹UFO昨天晚上10时,一人在观看夜色,突然夜空的北面一束光线快速飞过去,像流星一样,但不是流星,它发着蓝色的光,像圆盘的飞船一样的消失在夜空中,怀疑是UFO!真想能亲眼看见一次外星 有哪些行星上怀疑有外星人 新概念3第一课中有句话不明白,the experts were now fully...为什么now可以用于一般过去时?好纠结啊原句是 the experts were now fully convinced taht the animal was a puma.是第一课的 南方地里长的草都叫什么名字? You Were The Last High……如同婊子般的爱 我终于明白了爱……这首歌是大概表达的什么意思 对于一个机器人来说,做这样的工作将是容易的翻译 改宾语从句/填单词(各一句)1、The robot can't work_____(正确地).It doesn't walk.2、Did her have his supper at home?I asked.(改宾语从句)第二句我觉得题目是不是有问题?Did后面怎么是her?而且her和his 前后 老师你好 可以把你的高一化学必修一的课件给我吗 谢谢啦 〈小石潭记〉中“皆若空游无所依”是比喻句吗? 小石潭记中的比喻句有什么作用? 小石潭记运用的比喻句都有什么? 《小石潭记》中的“皆若空游无所依”是比喻句吗? 孔融小时的聪明伶俐表现在什么地方 英语翻译1.It is vitally important that the problem be solved before the meeting is held .2.Because of the hidden rocks,navigation is difficult on this river.3.The government's encouragement gave fresh impetus to these reforms.4.The matter involve 一个宝盖头,一个登去掉豆字,一个日,一个小怎么打啊 Tom likes wearing T -shirt which is _______cotton.填made of 还是made from? 双曲线,几何意义 白糖拉丝怎么做冷了不会硬 宝盖头下一个眉字头再加贝字是什么字?如题.请问这是什么字.怎么念?五笔如何打? 把蜡笔装进盒子 用英文怎么说? The boy in blue is Tom.(in blue修饰名词boy)/穿蓝色衣服的孩子是汤姆.那么到底哪些词是主语 表语 定语… 把下列句子合并成宾语从句Did he watch TV just now?I ask.Does he live in London My mother wanted to know.How often are you away from school?The teacher asked me. 将下列句子合并为宾语从句