
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/28 03:39:56
I waiting for you…Because I love you. I won't give up、I would like to achieve my ideal 、I will love you in silenceI won't give up--、I would like to achieve my ideal 、 I will love you in The lovesickness and pessimists just like lavender,because I can wait for you,you love me 是什么懂英语的人来看看啊 I'd like _______(tell) about the situation before now.to be told 还是 to have been told ,为什么 30.Please tell her your story exactly _______ you have told it to me.a.as b.that c.like d.which 31.The dictionary is to the student __________ the tool is to the worker.a.which b.what c.whichever d.whatever请问选那个?为什么? 爬山虎为什么能往墙上爬 爬山虎是怎样在墙上“触”、“巴”、“贴”、“爬”的? 金星的自转和公转是顺时针还是逆时针? 席慕容散文集读后感1200字左右!最好是围绕一个主题的啊!最好不要再重复了! 跪求席慕容散文读后感怎么写啊100字差不多注:席慕容的幻思、生命的滋味、想象的暗记、我家在高原上.最好是这几个的读后感 "我用古老的方式爱过你" 这一句出自叶芝的哪首诗? 伤感爱过你这句话英文怎么写 cause i realy fall in love 的意思 伤感爱过你这句话英文怎么写拜托了各位 Because you are falling in love I REALY FALL IN LOVE Cause I really fall in love 23.I have told you the truth,__________ I keep repeating it?A.Must B.Can C.May D.Will这一题选A,为什么不能选Dwill? 23.I have told you the truth I keep repeating it?A.Must B.Can C.May D.Will Your mother look a bit disappointed.You ________ have told her the truth.A.should B.must C.can When you have eliminated the impossible,whatever remains,however improbable must be the truth. I believe the child to have told the truth 怎么理解I believe the child to have told the truth 为什么用动词不定式 如何去掉墙上的爬山虎我家南墙上长满了爬山虎,听邻居说:爬山虎时间长了招蛇,夏天要来了,还会附着很多蚊子~!所以现在想去掉它!前几天我沿着根把它们从墙上撕扯下来,但是还是有很多爬 为什么一个胜利者的产生就会有一个失败者拜托各位大神 人来到这个世界上、为什么不拿自己的生命创造奇迹! 爬山虎是怎么爬的爬山虎的动作 i ( ) you ,but i didn`t think you would listen to me.A could have told ,B must have told ,C should该选哪一个?为什么不选B 爬山虎怎么爬,它的习性,怎么养 had better,would better那一个是主观,那一个是客观? must have 和 should have?had better, should have to呢? 林清玄散文读后感,要自己写,600字左右,答得好有追加分要自己写!不然老师会发现的 只望各位高手将几个文字翻译为英文将【素生馆】三个字翻译为英文,求准确,感激不尽.已经提高悬赏,请给出最准确的答案,谢谢参与。 历史是由胜利者写的?那历史是真的吗?大神们帮帮忙