
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 23:04:11
高中生可以考什么英语证书 假如星期六是你的生日,你准备邀请你的好朋友Lucy来参加聚会,告诉她怎样才能到你家 ask , take a taxi Please if it's possible just follow me. 请翻译中文.谢谢! 翻译英语词组:成绩好 帮忙翻译下just do it 急求几个英文短语!(关于分数的)翻译:1/4 3/4 2/3 4/7 翻译词组:英语成绩. 问:高中生英语可以考几级?高中生英语可以考几级?成都的在哪考?时间多久? 请问一代名媛的“媛”字应该怎么读?新华字典里查到1媛yuan读上声(第二声),是美好,牵连的意思。2媛yuan读去声(第四声),是美女的意思。到底应该怎么读?选一?选二?但是如果按 这个字怎么念媛 这 媛 读什么? 媛的闽南语读音怎么读? 英语翻译When longtime superintendents retire,they take with them the only extensive knowledge of a community's electric distribution system.这个语句应该如何翻译 take with 是短语 还是 take 和with是单独的 翻译中文:我和老板正在办公室里讲话.句中要有(take with) 翻译这句话 take money to buy things with with是什么意思翻译这句话 take money to buy things with 这句话的with是什么意思 这句英语怎么翻译 “please make sure any additional files not part.” 英语翻译他不是上帝,但是他身边不缺少奇迹;他的一生并不完整,庆幸的是,他身边的人完整了他的人生;他很不幸,喜欢的人一个个的离他而去;但逝去的人很欣慰,因为生命中有他陪伴最后一程 "媛"怎么读用在人名呢 “媛”去“女”念什么? 变暗用英文词组怎么说 怎么判断电势能增减? i have a parents to take care of.(将句中的of去掉行吗?为什么?恳请老师指点迷津.) Moreover,I don't have to worry about the old age during which I even can't take care of myself.我看过这句话的意思是 而且,我就不会因年老无法照顾自己而忧虑.为什么during which 在这里没有翻译出来呢?这句话我翻 英语翻译我已经查询过了,整件事情是这样的:由于圣诞节货运公司很多货要走,他们把你的货弄错了,发到别的地方去了.所以你才没有收到.我们已经投诉他们了.他们已帮我们取回了货物,现在 英语翻译Objectives of South-South Cooperation:The basic objectives of South-Southcooperation are interdependent and mutually supportive and contribute to thebroader objectives of international development cooperation.These objectivesare to:fost 英语翻译“Since the President announced theClimate Action Plan one year ago,the Energy Department has finalized a numberof efficiency standards that are expected to save Americans over $60 billionand reduce carbon pollution by 340 million metric 为什么热水比冷水在冷冻过程中更易结冰 请英语高手帮忙翻译一下这段话,不要用工具的,非常感谢!The Appliance Standards Awareness Project(ASAP) is a coalition that includes representatives of efficiency,consumer and environmental groups,utility companies,state government 如果父母生日用什么祝福的诗句?如果父母生日用什么祝福的诗句祝福?如果朋友失败时用什么诗句鼓励?如果朋友获得成功时用什么诗句赠予? 祝父亲生日的诗歌有吗? take care of myself能转换成be careful my myself吗? mum asked me to take care of myself对吗