
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 17:47:44
义勇军进行曲作者是谁? 1.He is the _____singer.(popular) 2.Jenny gets up _________in her family.(early)3.Amy says snakes are the ___________animals.(bad)4.What is the ___________pet?(interesting)拼句子1.pets./are/smallest/Ants/the/2.interesting/Birds/the/pets./most/are/ 读了BC课程,申请美国的大学还要不要再考Sat,托福和雅思? 三人飞跃黄河是真的吗 同义句 let us go to a restaurant do you want that book wewant to go to the zoo 美国加州大学洛杉矶分校要求托福和SAT各多少分? 飞跃黄河怎么做到的 飞跃黄河是怎么做到的 飞跃黄河的魔术是怎么做到的 中国国歌作者 The restaurant is close to the post office. 是否可以等于The restaurant is near the post office Let's go into the post office.shall we?为什么要用shall we This hospital is near to the post office为何要将near to改为nearRT the view from the Let's sweep up the dust from the ground翻译汉语 From the Ground 歌词 英语翻译可不可以理解为:从发热的地面上仍然升腾着烟雾,from理解为从的意思 衣服上的英文單詞"FRANKLINAND","MCMIC","MARSHALL"是什么意思? 德语词汇辨析:kurzgeschichte roman novelle请解释三者的区别, take,let's ,to,office,the,teachers',it 连词成句 1,Let's take the boy to the school.2,it's cold .Don't take off your coat.请说出这2个take的意思 Let's take it.是什么意思 德语中“浅析”的准确对应词用在论文中的“浅析”一次除了analyse之外 还有什么次能准确表达这个意思 .The bird had snatched the snack from the ground.The snake had been______the ground.1.at 2.from 3over 4on 《义勇军进行曲》的作者是谁,哪个国家的? 义勇军进行曲作者? if the book isn"t yours,____can it be?(who else"s )为什么不填what else"s? he~s book isn~t yours ,_____can it be A who else B who else~S请说出理由来了! my job is to( s_____)computer.i do some(e____)and have a light breakfast.i am very busy.i think every minite(c_____)i(k____)a diary to help me remember things.i(t_____)to cities in the USA. my job is to do 还是doing说明另一个不是的原因,O(∩_∩)O谢谢 I don't know what happened,but the next life really just want to and hello good together! i know 开头 里面有 just out just out 还有you don't wanna really什么的一首女生唱的,挺欢快的歌曲还有句什么to my life的,感觉像pink还是kelly Clarkson的那种声线,在天天向上吴宗宪的那期大兵出来后的背