
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 23:18:56
一个语法分析:假设一句话:the man who is invited is Tom's father是不是也可以这样说:the man invited is Tom's father如果可以,能不能语法分析一下 The best time_____Gui lin is spring A to visit Bvisiting C visit D to visiting什么时候用to 什么时候加ing 从什么地方看出这道题这么做? 1.He is the man called Bob.(改为定语从句)He is the man ___ ___ ___ Bob.2..乒乓球运动有一百多年的历史了.The sport of ping-pong is ___ ___ ___ yaers old.3.你知道网球运动是何时发明的吗?Do you know when the sport of 求完形填空答案啊开头是There once was a king in afaraway countryThere once was a king in a faraway country.One day,he decided to 36 a prize to the artist who would paint the best picture of 37.So many artists 38 .The king looked at all the 用所给动词的适当形式补全短文Once there was a king who told somen of his peoponce there was a king who told some of his people to dig a pond (池子).the king then told his people that one person from each family had to bring a glass of If we can only encounter each other rather than If we can only encounter each other rather than stay with each other,then I wish we had never encountered.翻译 改为宾语从句 Where is your pen Tell me 后面是什么?Are you tired I want to know 后面是什么? I want to know.Did you finish your homework?(连成宾语从句) L want to know an answer that your English is good or bad? 缘字去掉绞丝旁念什么啊?拼音急用··· Guess the names of the food or drink accoding to the pictures什么意思 英语翻译有奖金送、要求翻译准确 What food has a lot of fat according to the doctor?翻译?如题,要标准些的! How does Daming feel?的意思这句话的汉语意思!快 17-19世纪上半期,欧美历史发展的时代特征是什么欧美在科技领域发生了什么巨大的变化?这一变化开始于什么时间?结束的标志是什么 17~18世纪中期,欧美历史发展的时代特征是什么?简明扼要···答到重点上 you should not waste time改被动语态 一首歌一段歌词here we go oh oh oh oh oh so ……的什么的,男的唱的,谁知道什么歌 为中国共产党第一次全国代表大会的召开奠定思想基础和阶级基础的两个历史事件 为马克思主义在中国传播奠定思想基础的是洋务运动戊戌变法辛亥革命新文化运动 she could help me 同义句转换she ___ ___ _____help me She can help me sweeping the floor.哪里错了? you can't touch 中文翻译 There are so many books that I can't carry them all同意句 2种 方明道 英文名字怎么写? 明道的英文名Matthew译成中文是不是"马修"? ‘’If we can only encounter rather than stay with each other,then I wish we had never encounter‘’If we can only encounter rather than stay with each other,then I wish we had never encountered…帮帮忙翻译一下 Most people don't have cars any more .(改为同义句)Most people have cars_____ _____. You have a car,don't you?为什么不是You have a car,haven't you? look the same look like the same有什么区别 be the same as与be like能不能互换