
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 20:41:44
I think we need to _____ a plan.A.come up B.come up with C.coming up with 道达尔的汽油怎么样?之前一直在中石化加油,住的附近有个道达尔的加油站,离家很近,想请教道达尔的93#用的怎么样 i think you need to get more exercise意思和i think you need to do some sports相同吗? 道达尔的93号汽油质量怎么样? it __last night ,the ground would be wet and the temperature would be low today.用词的正确形式填空, If it (rain)__last night ,the ground would be wet and the temperature would be low today.用词正确形式填空求解.此句有 If.would be..虚拟语气里面的 主句用would do,If从句应该用一般过去式的,表示现在事实相反.我本 正确形式If it {rain}__last night ,the ground would be wet and the temperature would be low today.用词的正确形式填空, 我认为这道题目的答案是rained,因为词句的虚拟语气,后面的would be.但是书上答案却是had raided How i wish i had watched the match last night.------today's examination would be a total disasterA.When necessary B.If so C.If possible D.So what横线上选哪个 it snowed heavily last night的同义句 the snow ___ ___ last night total是什么意思 By the time you have finished this book,your meal ______ cold. A.gets B.has got C.will getDis getting我觉得好像没有选项 看起来都不对 应该用will have done吧 total的意思是什么? By the time you have finished this book,your meal ______ cold.A.is getting B.has got C.will get为什么不选A? B & W Total是什么意思 护肤品中的total是什么意思total,急. By the time you have finished this book,your meal will get cold.bythetime的主句不应该用完成时吗?知道里面这个问题有很多解释,都不能说服我, left total是什么意思急 We can have _____ blue sky if we create _____ less polluted world.(苏州2010)  A.a; a B.a; the C.the; a D.the; the The sky is blue and the cloud is white ,we never have _______ day today.根据句意填空. We have shorts in 求英语高手来翻译,送给我暗恋的人如题,翻译以下句子,希望翻译的优美点,不要机器翻译的,翻译好的分数追加,先感谢了! ① 你是我心底的一首歌,  伴我走过多少岁月.  歌声在心头萦绕 把句子变成被动语态 People grow cotton in the south. The more words you learn ,the more words you can learn learn the new words by heart意思 初中的英语题,Learn the following words and expressions先给了一篇文章 然后题目是Learn the following words and expressions有5题1.except:_________________________2.shooting:_______________________3.4.5.每个题是个单词 后面是 learn the following words and exprssions什么意思 total什么意思? total 什么意思 Signatures Total 就是想问下` He has got a bad cold.He ______ last night.mustn't go out needn't have gone out couldn't have gone out shouldn't have gone out -What _____ him?-He had a bad cold last night.A.was happened toB.was happenedC.happenedD.happened to He has got a bad cold.He___last night.A,mustn't go out B,needn't have gone out c,couldn‘t have