
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 13:12:15
To be successful英语作文80字即可 英语翻译a member is held responsible for participating in illegal acts in instances where violation of the law is evident to those who know or should know the law. We can replace you love forever什么意思 Remember one thing.I'll love you forever,请帮我翻译过来 英语 care of/for/about的区别例句 把把关什么意思? care for care about care of区别 成成把关是甚么意思 她对我说:“以后你去相亲,也带上我,我帮你把关”.说她对我是啥意思呢? 卢因的“把关人“理论对实际工作有什么意义? How to be a successful language learner 我想问一下这是一个什么句型,是不是的to be 句型.如果不是 请给我分析一下how to be 是什么类型,可以用于英语中那些地方.还有就是这个说说这个 to be 句型是怎 How to be a sucessful language learner? 以 How to be successfui language learner 为题的英语作文 successful learner do not wait for a chance to use the language中的to use the language是什么成分to use the language 在句中做什么成分 ,是不定式吗 tell sb my secret能说是tell my secret to sb吗、 shelly is my c__ friend,and i often tell her secret 答好的追加分..写一篇简单的初中英语作文,.题目是How to be a good learner必须用上以下词汇,而且字数80左右.habit,way,get ready,listen,go over,homework,study in groups,help each,word hard,do sports 分液漏斗上的橡皮筋氧化断了后还能用吗?还是要再绑上一个橡皮肤筋? 北冬虫夏草和虫草花是一样的吗?如果不同,两者有什么区别,哪个更好? 201CU不锈钢板主要运用在哪些领域? 202不锈钢板的特点? 板栗和马蹄子是否可以一起煮汤 People often need ( 1 )in different kinds of parties.It is a good way (2)themselves and makingfriends.1.A.join B.take part in C.to join D.to take part in2.A.to relaxing B.of relaxing C.of relax D.relaxed答案是DB,为什么 荸荠怎么去皮 荸荠怎么去皮快? 表示谦让对方的词语 比如:彼此,谦虚,谦让,一般(说自己)等等等等,必须两个字 根据意思写词语:谦让不干kuai two days off days后用加 " ' " two days off days后用加 " ' " 2.May I ask for 3 days' leave 这句能不能,这样说May I have three days off? I want to have (休息两天) 答案是“two days off ”,那么“a rest for two days ”应该可以吧? he can have two days off durng the week? This is the last time and you say good night Not be able to once again have lost.是那样意思? the teacher r the sentence once.at last I understoodthe teacher (r) the sentence once.at last I understood