
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/15 03:11:02
求哥哥姐姐们帮我想一篇演讲稿.______,我想的是 “老师,帮我想一下把.老师,感谢你----演讲稿.麻烦在17:30想出来.如果好, 作文 捡拾幸福 600字左右! 我刚上初一,老师要求做5分钟演讲,内容不限, 捡拾幸福作文600字 Is there any r___ between them? 初一学年总结 2000字从多个方面总结(如:我的习惯、我的学习、我的集体、我的追求、我的心里话等)谢谢 初一上学期的不少于2000字的期中总结 Is there any ______(差异)between the two words?还有:he has no fridents to play with为什么要用to play with而不用to play 读短文.从框中选词填空.注意,动词须为过去式.其中一些词不止使用一次ask be jump pull have smile walkHe ( ) over to my bed and ( ) in.'Are there any ants here?' he ( ) .'No,Robert,you ( ) a dream about ants,but there aren't a 用动词的过去式填空1._______(ben)birthday is on the first of january.2.Tom_______(have)a birthday party with his friends now.3.Look!yang ling_______(draw)a picture.4.Peter________(get)up 6:30 every morning.5.Would you like ________(swim)with 国旗下讲话的初二升初三演讲稿,我马上就要国旗下讲话了要求是自己初二即将升初三,有什么感想 初二英语演讲稿,关于从升到初二的感想 马上就升初一了,求开学典礼上的发言稿没什么要求,字数700左右吧 英语混乱词组合拼;father / to/your/the guitar/play/a/band/use/in/did 合拼一句话maths/didn*t/to/brother/enjoy/use/my合拼一句话 根据短文内容,Once there was a man who had two children,a boy and girl.The boy was good-looking but the girl was not.One day they found a mirror for the first time and they saw what they looked like.The boy was very pleased and he said to his si 找英语错误Are you Tom? I'm here. Where is Zhang XiaoLing? That's all right. 找错误--英语1.james and tom doesn't mind key rings 2.what are they talking with?some personal things 英语找错误,谢谢! --did you notice him come in just now?-no,I___(type) a letter all the time i miss you!just did not have time to meet with 帮我找英语的错误、这句子中A B C谁错了?怎么改?1 Where are you yesterday morning?A:Where B:are C:yesterday2 Where are everybody?We're here.A:are B:We're C:here3 I'm at the pool.It was fun.A:I'm B:at C:fun4 My friends always (选词填空:忍俊不禁,情不自禁)1.帆下带着尖顶的船舱,船舱鼓鼓的,又像一个()的笑容.2.他()地把手掌挨近自己的眼睛,仔仔细细地看着.答案我知道是1.忍俊不禁 2.情不自禁,只是问一下 用“像是一个个小小的张满的帆,有像是一个忍俊不禁的笑容”造句 每一朵盛开的花,就像是一个张满了的,帆帆下,带着尖底的舱,船舱鼓鼓的,又像一个忍俊不禁的笑容,就要绽开似的.仿照句式,运用比喻句式描写一种景物.以“------就像是--------,------,------,-------- 单项选择The woman's book began ____ into many languages.A.to translate B.translating c.to betranslated D.to translating 关于科技发展的好词好句一定要准确啊! 文章链接怎么弄的啊! 求作文,不要链接,直接发全文! 这个作文怎么写链接或者原本. 离四川最近的海是哪里我想看大海 但是不想离家太远.只要能看见蓝蓝的大海.找个最近的海域/希望大家可以帮帮我/谢谢! 四川境内最大的湖泊是 A、泸沽湖 B、三岔湖 C、朝阳湖 D、邛海 到底四川的海洋是怎么形成的呢?有没有可能是因为有颗小行星撞进了海洋,然后海水涌向了四川盆地而形成的呢.如果真是这样,那海里的岛屿会不会就是这颗小行星呢?这个想法是不是很荒谬