
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/03 09:39:22
有谁知道“宫爆鸡丁”用英文怎么说啊最好能用英文再把此菜的做法说一下, 请问宫爆鸡丁用英语怎么说?www.1soon.com.cn 请说出wish和hope的用法和区别 hope和wish的用法差别 wish和hope用法的区别是什么啊?主要是用法,不是意思.谢谢!还有,hope to do和wish to do的区别是什么?我听说它们都可以用.3Q 2007年餐饮总销售额是多少 宫保鸡丁英语怎么说?宫保是什么菜啊? 请问 咕老肉 宫爆鸡丁用英语怎么说如若还知道其他常见的中国小吃 不吝赐教 宫爆鸡丁 用英语怎么说 朋友们音字的拼音怎么打 有谁知道上“林”下“今”是什么字?请知道的朋友告诉我它的拼音以及粤语发音 君 字拼音怎么拼. 夏目友人帐中 吾之守护哟,昭显其名吧中字拼音 请告诉我一定要中字拼音,别来罗马文 want hope wish的用法?I____this kitchen clean by the time I get back every day.A.hope B.want C.wish D.think为什么要选B,A和C不也是希望的意思么? Hope 与Wish 的区别和用法? 仙女或小精灵的英语单词 精灵的英语单词是什么? "精灵"用那个英语单词翻译 更贴切 the house this house这两个词的区别在哪? 4页27.My house was broken during the earthquakeIt's not the end of the world .Try to look on the -----------of the things .I'm sure it will be all right .A.both B.bright C.back 为什么 口字旁加个最 这个字怎么读?鹿字里面的“比”换成 “与”字..不过“与”字最下面的一横要换成四点水.汗..这个形容好复杂..呵呵.谁能告诉我这是什么字啊楼下的兄弟。你确定读zhi zhi不是 这个字吗 豸 能告诉我这个字怎么读的吗? the notebook is hers.同义句 The blue hat is her还是hers? the car is hers同义句This car is hers.(同义句)This car _____ _____ _____. The region is____with possible earthquakeA.threatened B.frightened C.attacked D.wrapped答案应该选A,为什么?请说明原因, The earthquake has caused ______to this region.A.many damages B.much damagesC.much damage D.few damages选择的是C,为什么选择C 其他ABD为什么不行?为什么我在词霸上看到他有名词复数形式?名词复数:damages There is always the (possible) of an earthquake in this region,but so far there has been so sign ofThere is always the (possible) of an earthquake in this region,but so far there has been so sign of trouble. A serious earthquake is reported to have struck this area last night,cause a lot of damage改错 It is less likely that an earthquake will happen in Chongqing,according to a report __________ the urban quake risks of 30 major cities .A.estimated B.to estimate C.being estimated D.estimating 做不到的事就不要许下承诺 翻译