
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 09:16:21
好雨知时节,当春乃发生,随风潜入夜,润物细无声 这首诗主要描写了生物生长所需的非生物因素是A、水 B、空气 C、风 D、光 我姐姐经常给我做可口的食物 用英语怎么说My _____ sister often makes _____ food for me. 三国演义读书笔记 每5回跪求三国演义读书笔记,每5回一写,不一定要自己写的,只要是就行.每篇50至100字.一定要5回一写.是每五回50至100字. I am a little heavier than her(改为同义句)she___ ___ than meshe is a little ___than me 按要求完成下题 John is a little heavier than me.(改为同义句) I am a little ______ than John. already 是什么时态的标志词着 I am a little heavier than her.(合并为一句)=She is a little () () (). 11.--___.--- She is a little taller than I.A.11.--___.--- She is a little taller than I.A.What is Sally?B.How is Sally?C.What does Sally look like?D.What is Sally like? silk 买了一条丝巾,上面写的是silk touch,是丝的还是丝一样的感觉,并非是丝织品 triple moisture什么意思triple moisture body cream ART SILK RUG,luxurious silk look TOUCH ,PILE:VISCOSE SAT IE题It is far easier to ride a bicycle( than explaining) in words exactly how a bicycle is ridden.括号里面为什么错了? SAT 三个句子改错题1.The thoughtful student wonders what Patrick Henry meant when he taiked about liberty Burgesses then 【having been 】slaveholders.请问having been 为什么错?应该怎么改呢 2.Directed by George Wolfe,the Broadway mu SAT 2道IE题1.Paule Marshall,whose Barbadian background has influenced her writing,describes many details of life in the Caribbean Islands vividly in her novels and short stories.这句话没有错,但不是像whose这种关系代词要在从句中 示儿与哪首诗表达的思想感情相同注意作者写清, SAT一道改错题目only after the floodwaters had rose 2 feet was the mayor willing to order the evacuation of some homes.答案说rose用错,为什么? 英文单词bitter coffee是什么意思 SAT改错题In many large cities in the United States,the presence of a (culturally) A diverse population (has led) B to repeated calls (that) C curricula taught (wholly or partly) D in languages other than English coffee体现了什么词汇现象 求达人把“幸福的花嫁”翻译成泰语,.. U.B.C coffee 缩写代表什么单词每次看到U.B.C coffee,我总是很好奇,想知道U.B.C究竟是什么单词的缩写,问过好几个店员,没人知道.上岛咖啡,我是知道的。我问的是U.B.C是什么单词的缩写? 一个等腰三角形绕着底边上的高旋转180度形成的封闭曲面所围成的图是圆锥,为什么 把一个等腰三角形绕底边旋转360度 会得到一个什么几何体 一个等腰三角形绕它的底边所在直线旋转360° 形成曲面所围城的几何体是?绕底边就是怎么个绕法?很难想象最后形成是两个共底面的圆锥的组合体. 一道SAT改错题Among the most widespread of marine animals,A B starfish and sea urchins inhabit all seasC except that of the polar regions.No errorD E谁做了每日一题,或者很确定的,THANKS A LOT:)貌似ABCD标的不对。那就说有错 明天交的1.()()your favourite hobby?(就中括号部分提问)My favorite hobby is [swimming].2.I have [black] hair and [brown] eyes.(就中括号部分提问)()()are your hair and eyes?3.Simon lives with [his parents] [in England].(就中括号 七年级英语小作文,老师明天让交的!星期六上午,Bob到Alice家玩,两人就铅笔盒里直尺的英文名称和拼写及颜色进行了一段对话,不少于8句话!(题目就是这样的,下面没有图片.)那位大虾帮帮忙 七年级下册英语~速度~在线等~明天交~作文~ 她起床通常在五点四十,和她吃早饭大约在六点三十. 七点三十,她上学去.上课在八点.她吃午饭在十二点.到家后,她先做作业在七点.九点,她看电视. SAT 改错题,求教!Confucianism is more a code of ethics than like areligion; it presents no deities but fosters instead arespect for one’s ancestors and for an orderly society.这题哪里有语法错呢?答案说“but fosters”错了,可 英文名言名句并且要加上对这句话的理解(用英文) We communicate with each other by e-mail now.3Q sat改错题求助The derelict old house across from the warehouses and the even more decrepit one just beside them have been placed on the list of historic landmarks.为什么beside是对的?beside的主语不是one 吗?那样beside不是应该改