
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/17 01:36:31
大气点的男孩英文名 请问,我知道你正在为是否去上海世博而烦恼 这句话用英语怎么说 他激动得说不出话来.用英语怎么说He was ______ excited ______ say a word. 这些句子里有没有被动语态(英语)My brother is five years younger than me.My parents didn't make me look after him but i enjoyed it.I‘m George and I have three older sisters so I was really sopilt when I was a child but I didn't mind 英语被动语态的句子,老师说作业要认真完成,改成英语被动语态(要用到carefully) 中国共产党建党90周年知识竞赛100题 1.20世纪初期中、外哪两大政治事件促进了中国共产党的诞生( ). A.1等等100道题的答案 1.It is spelt S-U-N just as ______ the English word "sun" is spelt.A.why B.how C.when D.that2.But he wondered ______ he has broken the British law.A.which B.why C.who D.what 初二上英语综合填空! 初二下英语填空 英语翻译尽管我每天跑步,我还是有点不健康.________I run every day,I am _________ _________ ________为了保持健康,他设法多吃蔬菜少吃肉.He_______to eat ________vegetables and____meat to keep in good_____适当形式填 When did you fall( )(sleep)last night?我找不到出去的路=I couldn't( )( )( )( ) 求不是乱码答案建党90周年知识竞赛100题 1.20世纪初期中、外哪两大政治事件促进了中国共产党的诞生( ). s_st_r 填空,有关在.旁边、在.后面、在.前面等.There are some books on the desk.问:()()()the books there is a box. ( ) ._______ do homework every day.A.The most studentsB.Most the studentsC.Most of the studentsD.Most students 中国城市大气污染的主要原因是什么?可以采取哪些措施控制城市大气污染? 大气污染主要控制对策与措施 博物馆的英文咋说 世界上空气污染最严重的20个城市中中国就占了16个,请问这16个城市分别是那些? 补全对话:A:Is there any ____ in the fridge ,Mum?B:Yes,but there i_____ only one bottle left.S____ we go and buy some m_________?A:Sure.let's go to the m____ right now.I w____ to get some ice cream too.B:We also need beef and s___ f___.Your fa 广东省空气污染最严重的城市是哪个? 关于英语填空(小学5年级)用过去式填单词1.Yesterday,she( )a new book.2.yesterday,he( )to the zoo.3.yesterday,she( )her homework.4.yesterday,he( )the flute.5.yesteday,she( )an ice cream.第1题的图是小女孩在买书;第2题是 全球10大空气污染城市是哪些说是有7个是中国的. Miss Fang is so tired.Let her_________a restUse the scissors to cut the paper into two____________ 2010全球城市空气污染排名前30有哪些? 博物馆英语 博物馆 英语博物馆用英语怎么说 大气污染的特点 大气环流会对市区大气污染的的扩散产生影响,那我们应该如何避免(应对)这种影响?. 根据我的名字来取英文名我叫俞泽炜 男的. 我的名字以F开头,可以取什么英文名呢?急用! 帮帮我起一个英文名字吧,要根据我的名字取喔我的名字叫依潇,帮我取一个好听并且顺耳的英文名吧,读音也麻烦告诉我吧,谢谢啦