
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 08:12:49
用所给单词的适当形式填空 (finish,hardly,babysit) 1.My sister 空 doing her homework.2.It is raining 空 .You shouldn't go out .3.Is she 空 her younger brother? i am in school I am a___ he can't come,because he is in Shanghai nowassuring?还是afraid?怎么一个回答一个说法呢? 找首歌女声英文里面有 come now come now ,i am waiting for you在网上找了很多名字叫waiting for you的歌,像胡彦斌那样的,都不是,我要的是女声纯英文,不是舞曲,节奏比较慢,听过这歌很好听很惆怅的感觉 I come from Guangdong,but I am in Hainan,now.Freshmen是什么意思 题目《春》字数600 文章体裁不限,不过最好是记叙文. 具有两对相对性状的纯合亲本杂交,F1自交,子代重组类型占? 期末生物36,两对相对性状的纯种杂交实验中,F1自交得F2,下列对F2描述错误的是( )期末生物36,两对相对性状的纯种杂交实验中,F1自交得F2,下列对F2描述错误的是( ) A.F2中有9种基因型,4种表 Lili is -----doing his homework-------(对画线部分提问) lily is doing her homework对ding her homework提问 化学很难吗? 是不是学化学很难? 化学真的很难吗?有什么方法吗? his pet dog fills hie life with____(pleasant). my pet cat fills my life with pleasure改为被动句 1.I p____ her that I would always stand by her when we met for the first time.2.You looked a bit p____!Are you all right?3.In my dream ,I went in the forest where I d____ a beautiful new world full of flowers and animals. 化学真的很难吗? HI/P 指的是什么?它主要作用是什么,在哪能买得到~有劳了! 初三的化学真的很难吗 tom is a teacher at joy school.how does he walk to wark? I always believe that happiness is in front of you翻译成中文 描写绿叶衬红花的诗有哪些 碧水( )蓝天,绿叶( )红花.加上一个字,作为诗腰求你了 描写绿叶衬红花的诗有哪些拜托各位大神 与红花还得绿叶配意思相近的诗句 How old are you?的答句 How old are you?怎么答? IT'S TIME _____(GO) HOME用所给词的适当形式填空 我想买个玩具 有没有这样的玩具呀有没有一种可以录音的毛线布娃娃鸟 录完音以后开关开着 把它挂在房间门上 通过震动感应就说话了的玩具 我想买一只等我一天忙绿回来推门的时候 听到 我曾有一个这样的玩具 想要买点性爱玩具 可又实在不好意思啊 怎么办呢 Where is the post office I want to send a postcard.的意思