
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/22 02:01:56
英语翻译 怎么写企业愿景一家钢铁企业的同愿景 英语翻译 英语翻译 make或stay的短语能尽量的总结一下吗?希望越多越好, stay abreast 孩子上小学,刚接触英语,没多大兴趣,怎么办? 德语形容词词尾名词词尾反应慢怎么办感觉,如果写词尾是什么得想想才能写出来.但是如果跟人正常交流,想很长时间不是很怪吗?但是形容词词尾,名词词尾又有那么多种情况,怎么才能说出什 德语,形容词修饰两个用 und 连接的名词,形容词词尾应该怎么变?比如 mein gut** Mann und Frau(随便举的一个例子),形容词词尾是根据后面第一个名词的阴阳中性来变?还是两个名词一起算是复数, they need ( )English well firsta speaking b to speak c to speaking d speak To our s____ ,he can speak English very well They are very l______ to catch the early bus they have (able)to speak english well 关于dressthe girl is wearing a new skirt today.=the girl is dressed _____填什么? 东非动物大迁徙的原因是什么? 为什么东非是动物的乐园 生活在东非高原的动物有哪些?(至少四个) 东非动物为何大迁徙? 英语中都有哪些类型的词(像连词,系动词等等),主谓宾结构应该是怎样的? he didn't tell me ____ .A.when he had been married to her B.when he got married be married to sb ,是与某人结婚,而结婚又是在tell 之前,选A为什么不行呀 i didn't do nothing,美剧里,i didn't do nothing,经常被翻译成我什么也没有做.可是一般我们不都是用i did nothing,或者,i didnt do anything 来表达这个含义么?按书本说的双重否定等于肯定,那么i didn't do nothin 用wear,in ,put,on,dress填空1.My teacher _____a poir of glasses2.It‘s colod oatside _____your coat3.The boy is too young he can't _____himself4.she is _____a black dress=she_____ablack dress5.The girl _____red is my sister 小孩子刚接触英语,需要注意些什么? 如果让宝宝从小就接触英语,有人说宝宝几岁之前可以同时学会好多种语言,我的宝宝6个月,我要怎么才能让汉语和英语同时融入他的思维呢?宝宝是不是可以从小就开始接触英语 现在英语越来越重要了,小孩子有必要过早的接触英语么? 含有节的成语?第一个字是打,最后一个字是节的成语. many,in,are,there,study,the,books.怎么造句? Are there many books in the study she has a study ,there are many books in the study.改写为she has a study--- She r___ her voice to make herself heard clearly.谁若知道就告诉我, she raised her voice to make herself __(ps.5个字母) she shouted to us across the street to make herself -( ) a.hear b.heard c.to hear d.hearing the music was so loud that she had to raise her voice to make herself _____选择,并解析.hearheardto hear hearing