
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/14 14:37:01
have better=can?have better=can还是should? Believe that you are able to change.翻译句子 调解纠纷,缓和矛盾叫打( ) 矛盾纠纷未调节怎样证明 He stood up to get a better of the blackboardA sight B scene C view D scenery这几个词有什么区别 村(社区)干部如何调解矛盾纠纷 村干部如何调解矛盾纠纷 如何调和人与人之间的矛盾和纠纷? 大家帮我想想英文名,谢谢我的名字叫丁文强 我老婆叫姜文清 请各位起个个性的英文名, 大家想想在根据我们这或我们的名字来个个性点的英文名字~好了有奖励分数~ 谢谢大家阿. 最好是F或是Z开头的要感觉很圆不要cherry sakura之类的要特别点的~还有我是女生! 想为自己起个英文名,..``全名叫 凌然 ,89年天蝎座女生,喜欢听音乐,爱电影,看书.性格处于两种极端,有时很安静,有时很疯狂...各位大虾们,根据我提供的信息,帮我想个好听的英文名哈``` `` 我叫陈沛珊 22岁 女 比较安静 谁知道有首歌是个女的唱的,travel in the sun,.,yeah,yeah,歌名是什么啊?刚搜了下,Dying in the sun是小红莓的吧。我听到的这首歌节奏比Dying in the sun要快点 大家帮我取个想想英文名吧.本人 姓:陈 名:文远 文远取一个比较偕音的英文名吧以W开头的. you never change yeah oh here we go again for the thousandth time i shouldn't have to teach you howyou never changeyeahoh here we go againfor the thousandth timei shouldn't have to teach you how to teach me rightall i do is givei can't take no moreal 急需几条英语绕口令要求:每个单词的首字母要一样,句意要健康,读 起来要绕口.然后句型最好是:name+verb+num+noun+多少+nown+name 像 she sells seashells by the seashore.这种类型.只要四句. 求几条绕口令. What do you do?I work as a teacher? who do you want to_______We help young peple from_______the world find friends.________you _______meet some new friends? just write and tell us about yourself I decided to get an advanced degree with (an aim to) applying for a better job.括号内为什么不用the intention to 或the purpose to 或a view to Jane is d___ with her job.She decided to give it up.(提示:di_p_e_s_d) The ideal person for the job has these ___:ten years' experience and an advanced degreeA.characters B.characteristics问:为什么选B不选A?请解析题意,及两项在此题的区别 英语翻译Most recently,I was confused by the veto China placed against the draft resolution the United Nations Security Council attempted to pass regarding the conflict in Syria now.Russia also vetoed this draft resolution; however,I do not believ both you and l like playing computer games?(改为否定句) how is it going 和how are you going 求英语文章翻译(务必翻译流畅)这是针对九年级同学的,如果能力不足也不强求,当然报酬是足够的,如果翻译得好我再给50分! 在星期天下午怎么翻译 英语翻译On Sunday my sister and I__ ___ _at home. 英语翻译.过了一段时间,她们走进了我的生活,我们成了无话不谈的好朋友 世界上真的有美人鱼吗? I Should Have Known Better (Live) 歌词 英语的平时对话、作文等里面,到底什么时候才用过去式?【1】比如以前看过一部电影,现在和别人谈论这部电影的内容是用过去时还是现在时?【2】昨天买了一本书,今天和别人介绍这本书是过