
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/19 12:47:31
作文,Then and now for time deing同义词 A.all the time B.sometimes C.at present D.now and thendad的比较级 已经写完的穿越历史军事小说,如《回到明朝当王爷》最好是写明朝的! 求穿越或重生在 明朝清初 的军事小说 I’m hungry.I want_C_ to eat.a.something delicious b.anything delicious c.delicious something I’m hungry.I want__ to eat.a.something delicious b.anything delicious c.delicious something d.delicious anything填什么0.0请简单说出原因、 Is there ___in the bag? No,there is ____. A.something,bnything B.anything,nothingC.anything,something D.something,nothing There's 连读法 把音标写出来~ that 与America连读音标怎么写? 求success的英语作文120词左右 将下列字按读音不同进行分类.坏 灿 众 钻翘舌音:平舌音: 根据加点字的读音将下列词语归类 按读音将下列字正确分类声母是平舌音的:声母是翘舌音的:韵母是前鼻音的:韵母是后鼻音的:声调是第三声的:非诚勿扰帜、赠、斯、罕、穹、惨、展、庄 初一英语合并句子Yu yan is shirt.She has a roud face合并为:Yu yan( )short( )( )round face 中国国家主席胡锦涛在中非合作论坛北京峰会上承诺:“提供3亿元人民币无偿援款帮助非洲防治疟疾,用于提供青蒿素药品及设立30个抗疟中心”.中国研制成功的全球唯一的治疗疟疾特效药 一道初一英语合并句子题.Jim,what did you do last Thursday?The teacher asked.The teacher asked Jim () () () last Thursday.将两句合为一句 温度不变转化率改变吗(反应物加的量改变) 初一英语(合并句子)His roses are beautiful.Her roses are more beautiful(合并句子)His roses are______ _______ _____ _____ 图画谜语大全及答案要带图的,容易设图的,有答案的,好猜的,不能低于三个啊!快点快点 初一英语同义句转换!请求help!1 Excuse me.How can I get to the post office.Excuse me.______is ___ ___ ____ the post office.2 Would you like to drink tea?_____ you ____ like _____ tea?3 there's something wrong you're your eyes._____is _____wi Don't be so sad,Cinderella.At least,we are with you.If we can help you,we will do our best!怎汉语谐音! 画谜语大全及答案 要带图的 急!帮帮忙吧! I don't have the heart to see you being so sad.的意思是啥? 辨析字的读音A干劲、遒劲B横竖、满脸横肉C角力、勾心斗角哪组读音是相同的 在大风的天气里,我们可以看电视.请翻译 请描写太阳 太阳怎么来描述 描写太阳的语段要评论 sun.的全写是什么? 性格阳光怎么写 My clothes are worn out.I'll have new ones made的英文翻译 Now there are different kinds of Christmas trees,even man-made ones. 吴先生,生火(英语翻译)肯定句 否定句 (三个时态:一般进行时 将来 现在)