
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 16:03:30
1.take after为什么与be similar to的意思相似?2.give away为什么与give sb.sth.without money的意思相似?3.concern为什么与interesting things的意思相似? 一个一位小数,去掉小数点后,得到的新数比原数多50.4,原数是多少?要有算式 英文题目[选项题]!-Would you tell me _____ with Tom?-He looks like unhappy.A.what's the matter B.what wrong isC.the matter 英文选项题1:They hope to be able to move into the new building at the end of the month,but things did not ________ as they had expected.1.work up 2.work on 3.work off 4.work out 2:Japan concluded with a separate surrender event with China on 英语单选项题一、单选题 1、Tom ________ the music when Mary entered the room A.listened to B.was listening C.was listening to 2、While she ________ a cup of tea in the living room,someone knocked at the door.A.was having B.is having C.hav 一道英语选项题His father ( )up at six this morning.A.get B.gets C.got D.gots为什么不选D呢.既是过去式又是单三啊 gmat逻辑题5.A recent report determined that although only three percent of drivers on Maryland highways equipped their vehicles with radar detectors,thirty-three percent of all vehicles ticketed for exceeding the speed limit were equipped with the GMAT 逻辑题297.Background information: This year, each film submitted to the Barbizon Film category, there was a panel that decided which submitted films to acceptFact 1: Within each category, the rate of acceptance for domestic films was the sa 一道GMAT逻辑题A ten-year comparison between the United States and the Soviet Union in terms of crop yields per acre revealed that when only planted acreage is compared,Soviet yields are equal to 68 percent of United States yields.When total agri Gmat一道逻辑题Magazine Publisher:Our magazine does not have a liberal bias.It is true that when a book review we had commissioned last year turned out to express distinctly conservative views,we did not publish it until we had also obtained a se 如何提高gmat逻辑题速度小弟一个月后考gmat,可是逻辑题速度一直上不去,平均一道题至少用两分半钟,十分着急.求诸位大侠救急. 食品厂九月份生产的牛奶饼干比果汁饼干少8/3吨,牛奶饼干的吨数是果汁饼干的5/6.两种饼干各多少吨? 一个数既是3的倍数,又是7的倍数,这个数可能是 逻辑题Five women are playing a card game in which they each have five cards.Each card isone of five different colors.All of the following statements are true:(I) Any player who has a yellow card also has an orange card.(II) Only if a player has a 爱立信机考的SHL性格题、逻辑题是中文还是英文?我明天参加暑期实习生的机试,有SHL性格题、逻辑题,还有托业,求有经历的大神分享一下经验, 一个工程队修一条4800米的公路,6天修了全长的五分之二,照这样的速度修完这条陆航要多少天? 一个工程队修一段长4800米长的公路,6天修了全长的五分之二.照这样的速度修完这段公路还要多少天? 有四个不同的非0自然数,其中任意两数的和是2的倍数,任意三数的和是3的倍数,那么这四个数的和最小是多少? 有四个不同的非零自然数,其中任意两数的和是2的倍数,任意三数的和是3的倍数,那么这四个数的和最小是( )最好把过程写出来 任意四个非0自然数,其中必有两个数的差是3的倍数,说出奥秘 有四个不同的自然数,其中任意两个数的和是2的倍数,任意三个数的和是3的倍数,要 一道初一英语逻辑题(请讲解)Town A lies two kilometers west of Town B and two kilometer north of Town C in what direction will I travel ,if I go from Town C to Town 某修路队修一条公路,第一天修了全场的20分之1,第二天比第一天多修24千米.第二天比第一天多修这条路的几分之几?这条公路全长多少千米? 某修路队修一条公路,第一天修了全长的10/3,第二天修了20/9第2天比第1天多修24千米,这条路全长多少我不懂咋做/ 同义句转换1、i would like to book rooms(同义句转换)i would like to ___ ___ ____reservation.2、there is no bathroom or air conditioningin in the hotel.I do not like it.(合并成一句)I do not like the hotel _____ bathroom ____ ai A除以B,商正好是8,因此A是B的倍数.这句话对还是错?为什么? 一道判断题:a除以b=8,a就是b和8的倍数.我说是错的,因为前提没说是非零自然数,可能是零或小数.老师说肯定是非零自然数,因为倍数和因数只在非零自然数考虑.到底谁是对的? A除以B的商是10,那么A一定是B的倍数对吗不对咋改 一个修路队4/5小时修了一段路的1/3,照这样计算,3/4小时可以修这段路的几分之几? 修路队3分之10小时修了一段路的12分之1,照这样计算,4分之15小时能修这段路的几分之几 请教一道逻辑题?水是未来人类长期驻扎月球最重要的物质,月球上是否有丰富的水,一直是科学家探索的目标.月球南极附近一些环形山的凹陷处终年照不到阳光,温度约为零下173摄氏度,因此有 求助一道逻辑题明明和亮亮是一对双胞胎,他们得知今天是爸爸的生日,所以凑钱买了一份礼物,但为了和爸爸开玩笑,他们找来两个盒子,这样一个盒子装有礼物,另一个盒子是空的,然后叫爸爸猜