
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/06 13:57:13
牙龈出血多摄食()类食物七类营养素 英语20个句型转换!英语20个句型转换练习! 句型转换,急1.I don't know Japanese,so I can't taik to the Japanese.______ I ________Japanese,I would talk to the Japanese.2.He who gains time gains all things.If a person ________time,he_______ _______3.Without sunlight,there would be no plants 句型转换 急Jerry comes from the (usa)(对划线部分提问,括号里的) His travel lasted (3years)(对划线部分提问) We learned (a lot about chinese culture )(对划线部分提问) They did a good job yesterday 1.My grandfather died when he was 95 years old(改为同义句)My grandfather( )( )( )95 years old2.Don't forget to close the door when you leave.(改为同义句)( )( )close the door when you leave.3.I didn't understand what you said.( 句型转换!1、Jack's telephone number is 239-7654.(239-7654画线)【对话线部分提问】2、My computer game is in the lost and found case.(in the lost and found case画线)【对话线部分提问】3、That is a cup.【改为复数句 清辅音和浊辅音分别有哪些 社会主义协商民主制度,就是通过国家政权机关、政协组织、党派团体等渠道,就经济社会发展重大问题和和涉及群众切身利益的实际问题广泛协商,广纳群言、广集民智,增进共识、增强合力. 人民政协是群众性组织吗?(依据来自……) 清辅音和浊辅音分别是? Access violation at address 1882B21E in module 我在读电子书时,总出现Access violation at address 004872B7 in module 'aa.exe' Read of address 0000000.错误, 发展社会主义协商民主有何重要意义 商业银行的利息税36=;利息是*20%,年利率是2.25%,求银行应付现金? 口的形状反映了鱼的摄食习惯,喜欢吃水面食物的鱼的口形应该: 高数第四题 Access violation at address 614A2909 in module 'oran9.dll'.Read of address 00000008 粘,噪,废字形近字组词 15周+1胎盘位置 后壁 分级0度 厚度1.9cm 边缘距宫内口1.0cm是边缘前置生胎盘吗? access violation at address 024f739a in module 'ehlib70.bpl'.read of address 0000000f这说明什么呀 藕的形近字, 谁能帮我翻译一下:Access violation at address 024ED88F in module 'SynCtrl'.Read of address 0000000 这个问题怎么解决:ACCESS VIOLATION AT ADDRESS 000000000.READ OF ADDRESS 以 记住那一天 为题 列个作文提纲 只要提纲就行,不要作文 Access Violation at address 006E2A44 in module 'hypmain.exe'.Read of address 000003DO.将英语译成中 已知直线y=kx+b与双曲线y=-2/x交于点A(2,k),则b=? 下列著名历史人物中,属于明代民族英雄的是 戚继光 郑成功 存在x∈R,x-7>lgx是真命题吗?为什么? 有关松花粉问题.我爸爸前几年得了糖尿病,这几天总是有个推销松花粉的来,要吃多少疗程什么的,一个月得几千块,总说松花粉能治好糖尿病,还举了很多例子,反正说的神乎其神,还叫去听什么 已知命题p:全部x属于R,x-2>lgx 是真命题还是假命题 该命题正确吗?∃x∈R,lgx<1请详细说明. 本人孕周35周,B超检查胎盘分级是2级早期,