
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/15 06:25:46
感动人的一件事作文要同学之间发生的感人的事情,不少于500字 pink的fucking perfect的链接谁有啊.麻烦发给我啦 作文 对女生爱哭的看法 作文 爱哭的我女孩求开头结尾谢 Yesterday it ___(be) very ont.But today it ___ (be) very cool. It's buring hot today,isn't it?-Yes ,___yesterdayA.so it was B.so was it我选的是A,是错误的.为什么错?答案B为什么是对的?翻译这句话 In your eyes,waht is a summer vacation like?(请写出我们要relaxation的理由) 以“怦然心动的感觉"为话题写作文,不少于600字奇妙的感觉,温暖的情怀.美好的想象,深刻的哲思,一瞬之间漾遍全身,让我们更加懂得感恩,懂得珍惜,懂得坚韧,懂得幸福,并且学会生活与创造,根 作文《怦然心动的感觉》 ,600字左右,快啊, 同桌的你的歌词 用所给的动词的适当形式填空:If it doesn't rain tomorrow ,I-------(go) fishing, It was Saturday yesterday .的问句 It was October 25th yesterday.这句话改成问句 Yesterday was Sunday.的问句 It was windy and cool yesterday.问句. 一盘黑白棋,黑子的颗数是总数的5/3,把12颗白子放入盒子后,黑子的颗数占总数的7/3,盒子里原有黑子多少颗? 难忘的一课中,“我是中国人我爱中国.”这句话在文中多次出现,是为了什么? Were you here yesterday?Yes,i( ) am、was、were? Were they happy yesterday用yes或no回答 I _____ happy yesterday.I _____ sad doday. 用am,is,are,was和were填空 -----you tired yesterday -----yes a.did b.were c.do 选哪个,一定要对快 英语中的间接引语用could you tell me……开头后面用过去式吗? 一个盒子里有30颗围棋子,其中25颗黑子,5颗白子,从盒中任取一颗,求取到白子的概率 数学评价卷六年级下册p30第8、9、10题. 有关描写林肯精神的词语 用一个词形容林肯 用什么词形容林肯 Could you tell me when_____?A.the train has left B.the train leaves选择哪一 请根据自己的亲身经历或体验,以“怦然心动的感觉”为话题,写一篇文章,不少于600字. Could you tell me when the train _______?A.leaves B.would leave C.has left D.had left请具体说明理由。 could you tell me when the train to beijing leaves?when the train to Beijing leaves如何解释? 以“怦然心动的感觉”为话题,要一篇作文.奇妙的感觉,温暖的亲情,美好的想象,深刻的哲思,一瞬之间漾遍全身,让我们更加懂得的感恩,懂得珍惜,懂得坚韧,懂得幸福,并且学会生活与创造.以“