
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/20 01:15:09
Sweep 的过去式是什么 sweep过去式 King是国王的意思,那皇后用英文怎么说? 是不是一个是王后、一个是国王. 初中作文:每朵花都有自己的芳香 描写景物,外貌的成语各要两个快,急的很 My father watches CCTV news at seven every evening改为过去式!My father ▁▁ ▁▁CCTV news at seven跪求!! 英文名字、打个比方.我的两个闺蜜的名字拼音分别是QXR和KCY.可以组成QUEEN和KING.皇后和国王.Y和L可以什么呢? I __ (肯定) he is going there by train they like play chess.(改为一般疑问句) I often wacth CCTV n----- in the evening.首字母填空 l watch cctv news very evening(改为否定句) jim's birthl watch cctv news very evening(改为否定句)jim's birthday is november(划线部分:november) ②( )My grandfather______CCTV news every evening.A watchesB looks C sees③The girl likes to ____music.A listen B listen to C listens to ④( ) What time does he _____home?A get to B gets C get ⑤( )( )Our teacher often goes to sc 请高手把下面一段话翻译成英文 不要软件翻译 谢谢买家是在无理取闹,先是以没有收到货物投诉,在EMS显示妥投的情况下,又说衣服颜色他不喜欢,请问买家,你不喜欢为什么要购买?你为什么不 英语翻译我是xx,十七岁,一个热情开朗的中国女孩,平常我喜欢阅读小说,听音乐.我最爱的明星是xxx,非常非常的爱他!有朋友和我一样喜欢他吗?哈哈!:-D 我来到Sharedtalk是为了学习英语,首先,英语 1.I am going to visit kunming.(改为一般疑问句) 2.We are going by train.(根据划线部分提问) -----3.The driver told us many things about kunming.(改为否定句)4.will,You,cinema,the,find(.)(连词成句) We're going to Beijing by train对划线部分提问划线部分为“by train” we by are going train 右溪记中描写溪水的词语有 航海英语有比2580更新的题库吗? 航海英语2580的1578题使用自动舵,检查几次手操舵?在管理上,是每班一次啊! 航海英语2580的1717题看不懂!the shoreline在海图上受大浪波动的地区是 line of什么东西?问题是这个题,选的是lower low water ,低低潮!为什么? 描写溪水的词语 4字词语 描写溪水的 we are going to take a bus to there. 这句话中there是不是不能直接放在to的后边,不能的话应该怎么表达? 海洋公园作文 (倒敍) 本人下个月考甲类三副航海英语,我是浙江的,3300,2580,1890,903,154,哪个题库比较好,原题多点啊? Both Mary and Kitty are my friends改为一般疑问句.是改为Are both MARY and Kitty my good friends?还是改为Are both Mary or Kitty my good friends? Rose and Mary are both like swimming句子里的are要加吗 选择 ()1.---lOOK The light is still on in Mr .Zhang’s office.----I’m afraid选择()1.---lOOK The light is still on in Mr .Zhang’s office.----I’m afraid he ()his work yet A.doesn’t B.didn’t finish Chasn’t finished.2.---- () 选择 ()1.---lOOK The light is still on in Mr .Zhang's office.----I'm afraid he ()his work yet四. 根据汉语提示,完成下列句子2.They have ()()(起草)a plan to improve the environment3.People used to watch a movie ()()()( 鲁迅借孔乙己“窃书不能算偷”意在表达什么?