
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/27 20:54:51
They saw a UFO flying in the sky.(改为被动句)A UFO ______ ______ ______in the sky. 氧化态是什么,与化合价有区别么? 是指某物质中的元素的化合价很高?高到什么程度? I mooned away today is the people of tomorrow think 改为被动语态:Today,a lot of people use bikes to work in cities. 如何确定物质化合价价态有的单质有好几个价态啊,我知道任何物质的化合价只和都是0,但是,如果在化学式里面有两个或以上的变价,或是说有多个价态该怎么确定呢? NH4H2PO4中N的化合价价态? 作为中国人,我们对2008年奥运会特别关注.用英语怎么说 我国古代经典四书是 我国古代的经典''四书''是什么. 中国的“经典四书”是哪四书 中华经典《四书五经》的作者分别是哪位? 【求助】怎么确定金属化合价态 化合态金属只有一个正的化合价 sh()()p中间的怎么填呢?今天就要! sh_p中间填什么 “锲而不舍,金石可镂”用来比喻什么? We will take him to the supermarket.改祈使句 applicable 夏感一文题材是什么?急用!注意是题材不是体裁! 1.在作者眼中,夏天有何特点?文章那些部分写夏的特点?2.作者从哪几个方面描写夏天?其中哪些写景哪些写人?3.作者对夏天的感情是怎样的?从哪些地方可以看出? 《夏感》一文中第一自然段和第二自然段的联系第二自然段有几个层次,分别写什么内容? The students usually have a rest at noon at school,but( )some of them go home.填频度副词Which woman( )(stand)at the table?Is it Amy's mother? 5.The patient isn’t out of danger.He is _____ than he was yesterday.(96上 the danger of drunk drinving 子午寅卯丑下面的几个是什么 fit into The school says are busy enough,yet the Ted try hard to fit as much as possible into their kids' lives fit...into...造个句吧 是找到时间做某事的意思 as……as possible造个句吧 是尽可能做某事的意思 求 马克·吐温的儿童文学代表作 I JUST LOST MY CONTROL什么意思 What canI do for you,Madam?Give me___,please.What can I do for you,Madam?Give me___,please.A:ten such notebooksB:a such notebooks —Good afternoon,Madam.____?—No,can you help me please?—Yes,Madam.What are you looking for?—I'd like to buy a needle.A.Are you waiting for me B.Would you like anything elseC.Have you been waited on D.What can I do for you