
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/13 23:51:42
我想把旧衣服捐给贫困山区, 我想要把我儿子的旧衣服捐给贫困山区,旌能给我一个地址. tick the pen out with your finger解释贴近生活 press Vnear the melon to meleeit with your knifepress V near the melon to melee it with your knife.melee the watermelon with your knife. Do not make the OK sign with your finger是哪个国家的习俗 甲乙二人同时从甲乙两地出发做往返跑,甲每分跑180米,乙跑240米,他们第100次相遇与101次相遇点距离是160米求甲乙距离? 2 times as long as the river和2 times longer than the river意思居然一样? 甲乙火车单独行驶,走同一距离所用时间比是5:6,现两火车同时由AB两地相向开出,相遇时,甲行240米,求AB两地距离 Are you()English now?( learn 或learning) 表示态度可亲的成语 有什么( )( )可亲的成语大于或等于3个 Line AB is 3 times as long as line CD.Line AB is 3 times longer than line CD.分析一下这两句话的句子成分,谁做状语(从哪个单词开始到哪个单词结束),书上说状语可以去掉,不影响句子成分,那去掉本题的状语, “自董卓以来,豪杰并起,跨州连郡者不可数也”用成语代替 亮答曰;“自董卓已来,豪杰并起,跨州联郡者不可胜数.”出自哪篇文章标题?. 06年3月世界人口总数是 谁知道超远程通信,无线电广播,电视和宇航通信,电报分别是通过什么来传送的? Lucy sings as well as,if _____ her sister.答案是not better than这是一个固定句式吗?帮忙分析一下句子(不只是翻译), Look at the ID c____ and answer the ques-tions.请补充c后面画横线的单词 等腰三角形ABC,AB=AC,P为BC上一点,PR垂直BC交AB于Q,交CA的延长线于R 小丽看一本书,已看的页数与未看的页数比是1:5,如果再看10页,这时已看页数占全书总页数的25%,这本书有几页 小丽看一本书,已看页数与未看页数的比是1:5,如果再看10页,这时已看页数占全书25% my mother is a t---in my school.画----线的填什么? 翻译:color change the bird base form. 电池反向串接,小灯泡会亮吗? 怎样连接才能使1根导线、电池让灯泡变亮 choose words from each column to form pairs of words having the same stem. 48A12V的电瓶带36W的灯泡可以亮多长时间.有这个公式吗? 请问库尔勒的棉花大概拾到什么时候 ---- You aren’t a teacher,are you ---- _______.I’m a doctor.A.Yes,I’m not B.No,I’m not C.Yes,I am D.No,I am 小麦拌种用什么药最好? 小麦拌种掺什么药最好? The file is possibly corrupt.The file header checksum does not match the computed checksum.什...The file is possibly corrupt.The file header checksum does not match the computed checksum.什么意思?怎么办?