
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 15:16:10
苏教版语文九上五单元作文1本单元课文所涉及的时代早已离我们远去,但是古人的喜怒哀乐却通过他们的文章流传到今天,令我们产生无尽的遐想:你可能会听到陈胜在大泽乡发出的慷慨呼号, 求苏教版的语文的剪纸的作文大约400字,要写的生动形象.急 It is an apple.What have you got? what have you got,Kitty?it's an nice.汉语怎么翻译 l have a orange vase.what about you?什么地方错了 .There______(seem,seems)to be many arguments on both sides答案是seem,是不是答案错了 句子改错 There seem to be a heavy snow this afternoon. there seem to be 和it seem to be的区别 there seems to be+单数名词 there seem to be +复数名词么 同义句There was a heavy rain last night.It _____ ______ last night. 某市甲乙两个仓库公储存粮食350吨,先从外地调运50吨粮食到甲乙两个仓库,这时乙粮库的粮食逼甲粮库的粮食的3先AB第一问我算出来了家110乙290第二问:先AB粮食遭受灾害分别需就在粮食150吨, 某市甲乙两个仓库共存粮食350吨,先从外地调运50吨粮食到甲乙两个粮库,这时已粮库的粮食比甲粮库的粮食的3倍少40吨现A、B两市遭受灾害,分别需就在粮食150吨,250吨,先从甲乙两个粮库调运,经 _____there any apple juice in the bottle?这句话是用Is提问还是用Are呀?不可数名词是用Is提问还是Are呀? ____there any apple juice in the bottle? there is _______apple juice in the bottle.A.many B.much C.a lot of 甚么是食品铝箔袋?需要做真空处理. is there any apple juice?这句子正确吗》 there ------some apple juice in the bottle.横线中填is 还是 are? 铝箔袋包装抽真空后为什么还会膨胀铝箔袋内有汤汁 抽完真空铝箔袋的甲鱼在高温杀菌锅中怎样能杀死病菌 The apple juice( )in the glass and the noodles( )in the bowl. There is some apple juice in the glass.(写出同义句) There ___ ___ apple juice in the glass. 橙子什么意思 what (is)in the glass There (is) some apple juice填is和is的依据是什么? 我永远的橙子, Is there some apple juice in the glass?哪里有错谁第一个发过来答案就采纳. 橙子有什么寓意吗?比如说送给什么人? ——————————————————? 根据答句提问 No,there is some apple juice in the glass.--------------------------------------------------? 根据答句提问It's seven o'colock . 真空包装袋的袋口在高温蒸煮后会卷边是怎么回事? 什么是蒸煮真空袋,耐高温多少度? 平安橙的含义我同学送我10层的平安橙有什么意义吗诚心诚意吗? 直流电磁阀内部是不是都有个二极管与线圈并联,续流呢,要不要自己在外接个